1. P

    INTL Latin America and Islands- November 2019

    https://www.reuters.com/article/us-bolivia-election/morales-exit-leaves-bolivia-power-vacuum-splits-region-idUSKBN1XL1DT NEWSNOVEMBER 11, 2019 / 6:25 AM / UPDATED 15 MINUTES AGO Morales' exit leaves Bolivia power vacuum, splits region Daniel Ramos, Gram Slattery 5 MIN READ LA PAZ (Reuters) -...
  2. P

    INTL Spain Election- November 10, 2019

    https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-50315459 Spanish election: Can another vote end the political deadlock? By Guy Hedgecoe Madrid 9 November 2019 It was only in April that Spain held a general election in which the Socialists (PSOE) of incumbent Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez won. And yet...
  3. P

    ALERT Europe: Politics, Trade, NATO - November 2019

    October's thread is here: http://www.timebomb2000.com/vb/showthread.php?562079-Europe-Politics-Trade-NATO-October-2019
  4. P

    ALERT Europe: Politics, Trade, NATO -October, 2019

    From September: http://www.timebomb2000.com/vb/showthread.php?560752-Europe-Politics-Trade-NATO-September-2019 All news of Europe.
  5. P

    INTL Austria holds early vote after far-right corruption scandal

    https://www.apnews.com/e8c6fbe3e22146a9b0c89f16142ea977 VIENNA (AP) — Austrians went to the polls Sunday to elect a new Parliament, four months after a corruption scandal brought down ex-Chancellor Sebastian Kurz’s coalition government with the far-right Freedom Party. Some 6.4 million...
  6. MinnesotaSmith

    WEATHER 2019 hurricane forecast predicts as many as 14 named storms this year in the Atlantic

    Multiple interesting links at original. Computer system here won't let me reach original source, so is an excerpt from Lewrockwell's post. The main graphic is pretty neat IMO, and worth studying for BOL/relocation decision-making...