ECON In The End The Dollar Goes To Zero & The US Defaults


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Authored by Egon von Greyerz via, Yes, a Gold guy
With US and Global debt exploding prior to both assets and debt imploding, let us look at the disastrous consequences for the US and the world.
Debt explosion leading to the currency becoming worthless has happened in history for as long as there has been some form of money whether we talk about 3rd century Rome, 18th century France or 20th century Weimar Republic and many many more.
So here we are again, another monetary era and another guaranteed collapse as von Mises said:
“There is no means of avoiding the final collapse
of a boom brought about by credit expansion”
This disastrous borrowed prosperity, with ZERO ability to repay the surging debt, will lead to one of the three consequences below:

The most likely outcome is number 3 in my view. The dollar will go to ZERO and the US will default. The same will happen to most countries.
I outline the consequences for the world at the end of his article.
Many people say that the US can never default. That is of course absolute nonsense.
If a country prints worthless debt that nobody will buy in a currency that no one wants to hold, the country has definitely defaulted whatever spin they put on it.
In the next few years, not just US but all sovereign debt will only have one buyer which is the country that issues the debt. And every time a sovereign state buys its own debt, it has to issue more worthless debt that nobody will touch with a barge pole.
Printing more money to pay for previous sins has never worked and never will.
And this is how money dies, just like it has throughout history.

The current monetary era started with the foundation of the Fed in 1913 and the acceleration of debt and currency debasement since 1971 when Nixon closed the gold window. With just over 100 years into this era, it is now approaching the end, like they all do.

Global currencies are already down 97-99% since 1971 and we can now expect the final 1-3% decline for all money to become virtually worthless. This is of course nothing new in history since every single currency has always gone to ZERO. We must of course remember that the final 1-3% move means a 100% fall from today. The final collapse is always the quickest so it could easily happen in the next 2-5 years.


Let’s look at how it has all evolved.
Although US debt has increased virtually every year since 1930, the acceleration started in the late 1960s and 1970s. With gold backing the dollar and therefore most currencies UNTIL 1971, the ability to borrow more money was restricted without depleting the gold reserves.
Since the gold standard prevented Nixon to print money and buy votes to stay in power, he conveniently got rid of those shackles “temporarily” as he declared on August 15, 1971. Politicians don’t change. Powell and Lagarde recently called the increase in inflation “transitory” but in spite of their bogus prediction, inflation has continued to rise.
Since 1971 total US debt has gone up 53X with GDP only up 22X as the graph below shows:

As the widening Gap between Debt and GDP in the graph above shows, it now takes ever more debt to achieve increases in GDP. So without printing worthless money, REAL GDP would show a decline.
So this is what our politicians are doing, buying votes and creating fake growth through printed money. This gives the voter the illusion of increased income and wealth. Sadly he doesn’t grasp that the illusory increase in living standard is all based on debt and devalued money.
Let’s also look at US Federal Debt:

Since Reagan became president in 1981, US federal debt has on average doubled every 8 years. Thus when Trump inherited the $20 trillion debt from Obama in 2017, I forecast that the debt would double by 2025 to $40t. That still looks like a valid projection but with the economic problems I expect, a $50t debt by 2025-6 cannot be excluded.
So presidents know they can buy the love of the people by running chronic deficits and printing money to make up for the difference.
But if we look at the graph above again, it shows that debt has gone up 35X since 1981 but that tax revenue has only increased 8X from $0.6t to $4.9t.
How can any sane person believe that with debt going up 4.5X faster than tax revenue that the debt can ever be repaid.
Even worse, with US interest payments on the debt surging from around 0% to probably 5% by 2025 the interest on the debt will climb to $2 trillion or circa 30% of the annual budget.

So with higher interest rates, higher deficits and rising inflation the scene is set for a high or hyper-inflationary period in the next few years.


So virtually every observer believes that the Fed (and ECB) will not just stop raising interest rates but pivot and lower them again.
In my view this will not happen except for possibly very short term. The 40 year interest rate downtrend finished in 2020 and the world is unlikely to see low or negative rates for many years or decades. High inflation and high rates will continue for years. But as we see in the 40 year chart of the 10 year US treasury below, there will be many corrections in the coming uptrend.


Between August 1971 and August 2019 US money supply grew at 6.1% p.a.
In August 2019, the hangover from the 2006-9 Great Financial Crisis hit the financial system again resulting in major support actions from the Fed and other central banks.
So the fresh problems emerged before Covid and before Ukraine. But those two new crises obviously exacerbated the systemic problems that had been put on ice for 10 years. This led to massive money printing and M1 in the US no longer increased at 6% annually but at a hyperinflationary 74% p.a. as the graph below shows.


Central banks are always wrong and always behind the curve. They kept short term rates at zero or negative for over a decade. From 2009 to 2019 the balance sheets of major central banks increased by $13t. But then from Aug 2019 to 2022 an explosion in central bank debt took place, expanding their balance sheets $23t from $13t to $36t. All the same reasons that I discuss in the paragraph above regarding US money supply are obviously also valid for global debt expansion.

There is nothing like free money! The banks created this money at ZERO cost. They did no work and nor did they produce any goods or services. All they needed to do was to press a button. And with interest rates at zero or negative, many central banks were actually receiving interest from the lenders.
What a beautiful Ponzi scheme. CBs print/borrow money and then they are paid for the pleasure of borrowing this money. Any private swindler launching such a scheme like Ponzi or Madoff would spend the rest of his life in prison but the bankers are praised for “saving” the system.
What virtually no individual understands is that this free money then enters the financial system as having a real intrinsic value. As with all Ponzi schemes, the current financial system will collapse too as the holders of the fake paper money realise that the money is worthless and that the emperor is totally naked.
That will be the final phase of the current monetary system with unlimited money printing as the $2.3 quadrillion debt pyramid collapses which I discussed in this article and also in this interview with Greg Hunter USA Watchdog .
This is what the global financial system looks like:

The estimated $2 quadrillion gross derivatives is today quasi debt but will one day become real debt, as central banks attempt to rescue the financial system. When counterparties fail, the gross will remain gross. So in total the world will face a $2,3 quadrillion debt resting on $2 trillion of central bank gold, a 0.1% coverage.
Within the next five years or so, the triangle is likely to be inverted with central bank gold as the foundation at the bottom. But instead of gold being only 0.1% of global liabilities, it will be as much as maybe 20%. That 200x revaluation of gold will be a combination of the value of global assets and liabilities collapsing and gold rising.
Personally I don’t believe in a lasting formal reset with a new currency system backed by gold. I cannot see the three major gold producers/holders China, Russia and India agreeing with the US on a revaluation. It is also questionable if the US has anywhere near the 8,000 tonnes of gold they are declaring. Also, China and Russia probably have considerably more gold than they are declaring.
Instead, after the fake paper market in gold has collapsed, the price must be based on supply and demand of unencumbered physical gold or Free Gold. But that can only happen after the current financial system based on fake money, debt and derivatives no longer functions.


But before that, the world must pay for the excesses of the last 50 years. The consequences will be dire as we are facing a major cataclysm or disorderly reset which will involve:
I sincerely hope that these predictions will not take place. Because if they do, everyone will suffer dramatically for an extended period. No one, rich or poor will avoid these problems.
I am naturally not predicting, like a Cassandra, (my 2017 article with a timely gold projection) that this disorderly reset will absolutely take place. Only future historians will tell us what actually happened.
But what I am saying is that the risk of a major catastrophe has never been higher in history, whenever it actually happens.
Physical gold and silver will not save you but clearly be the best financial insurance you can hold.
Most important is a support system of family and friends. Remember also that in addition to family and friends, some of the best things in life are free like nature, music, books and many hobbies.

stop tyranny

Veteran Member
Inflation calculators can easily be found online. In most cases the figures given for inflation otherwise known as the devaluing of our fiat currency are optimistic and likely much worse. That said it would take $2774.09 to purchase what $100 would in 1914. So, our fiat currency has been in collapse for a long time but when you look at when our fiat currency really started to lose value it would have been in the mid 1970's and has been steadily losing value at a high rate since then.

von Koehler

Has No Life - Lives on TB
2032? Or 2023?

According to Martin Armstrong, 2023 is going to be the year from hell. It will just be the starting point of the festivities; sadly not their entire span.

Civil war is a very real possibility, as the country is hopelessly divided. Urban versus rural, East versus West, liberal versus conservative, and many more serious differences. Race.

He figures on the total collapse of America by 2032. So we are in for "interesting times" during the next ten years.

My guess is that the very young, elderly, chronically ill, jabbed, and disabled will be among the first to perish.

There's no guarantee that the power grid will still be up. Ukraine is proof that it can happen.

Back to the future of 1899?
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MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
I turned 70 years old yesterday. 2032 would make me 80 years old......just 10 years away!!

Both of my parents lived until their early 80's.......if I had my rathers, I would be happy to leave anytime now!!

China Connection

TB Fanatic
I expect either war with China and Russia or a banking close down. With a banking close down Russia and China might sit and weight.

China Connection

TB Fanatic

The Numbers Are Screaming That A Giant Tsunami Of U.S. Layoffs Has Now Begun​

December 1, 2022 by Michael

We knew that economic conditions were deteriorating, but this is getting ridiculous. According to Challenger, Gray & Christmas, the number of layoffs in November was 127 percent higher than it was in October. That isn’t just a trend, that is an avalanche. And compared to the same month in 2021, the number of layoffs in November was 417 percent higher. Please take a moment and let that figure sink in. A 417 percent increase is a colossal shift. Essentially, these numbers are telling us that a giant tsunami of U.S. layoffs has now begun, and I believe that things will get even worse in 2023 and beyond. Our leaders have pursued policies that have been extremely destructive to the U.S. economy, and many of us have been warning that a day of reckoning would arrive. Well, it appears that a day of reckoning for America’s workers is now here, and the months ahead are not going to be pretty.
There is no way to spin these numbers to make them look good. Major layoff announcements are popping up in the news every single day, and what we have witnessed over the past several weeks is nothing short of staggering
The pace of job cuts by U.S. employers accelerated in November, with the number of layoffs climbing 127% from just one month ago, according to a report published on Thursday by Challenger, Gray & Christmas.
Companies announced 76,835 job cuts in November, led by the technology sector, the analysis showed. That is 417% higher than the same time one year ago.
And these numbers don’t even include the latest layoffs that have just happened.
As our new housing crash continues to accelerate, Wells Fargo has decided that now is the time to lay off “hundreds more mortgage employees”
Wells Fargo & Co. cut hundreds more mortgage employees Thursday, the latest in a series of reductions across the industry after higher interest rates brought the pandemic-era home-lending boom to halt.
The reductions took place across the country, according to people familiar with the plans, who asked not to be identified discussing private information. The latest wave comes amid ongoing Federal Reserve rate hikes to tame persistent inflation, pushing mortgage rates toward their highest levels in two decades. Refinancings have dried up and some potential homebuyers have been sidelined in the process.
Normally, big companies would be compassionate enough to at least wait until after the holiday season to let people go.
But now times have changed and a lot of these large firms are really feeling a sense of urgency to reduce payrolls.
Shockingly, that even includes FedEx
FedEx Freight, the nation’s largest less-than-truckload carrier, will begin furloughing an undetermined number of drivers on Sunday, the FedEx Corp. unit confirmed Wednesday.
The voluntary furloughs will run until March 6, with drivers getting a guarantee to return to work, the unit confirmed.
FedEx Freight is offering drivers a $300 weekly incentive to accept a furlough. The total payments will be made when the drivers return to work, according to the FedEx unit.
Have you ever heard of FedEx getting rid of workers prior to the holidays before?
I haven’t either.
This is nuts.
If we are seeing this many layoffs now, what will things look like once the holidays are over?
At this point, even the Federal Reserve is admitting that more layoffs are coming. In fact, Fed officials are now estimating that about a million Americans will lose their jobs by the end of 2023
Updated projections from the Fed’s meeting showed unemployment rising to 4.4% by the end of next year, up from the current rate of 3.5%. That is significantly higher than in June when policymakers saw the jobless rate inching up to 3.7%. That could mean roughly 1 million Americans lose their jobs between now and the end of 2023.
Of course Fed projections are almost always way too optimistic.
If Fed projections were accurate, we would still be in a low inflation environment right now.
Let’s be honest. If we get to next December and only a million Americans have lost their jobs, we should have a massive national celebration because that would definitely represent the sort of “soft landing” that Jerome Powell has been hoping for.
Needless to say, that sort of wildly optimistic scenario is not likely to play out.
As I discussed a few days ago, 41 percent of all small business owners in America could not pay rent in the month of November.

When more than four out of every 10 small businesses cannot even pay rent, your economy is in serious trouble.
I warned that we would soon be facing a severe downturn if the Fed kept aggressively hiking interest rates, and many others issued similar warnings.
But the Fed didn’t listen to any of us.
In fact, Fed officials keep telling us that rates are going to go even higher.
So what will their excuse be when the economy completely crashes?
Just like SBF, perhaps they will tell us that they are “deeply sorry about what happened”.


China Connection

TB Fanatic

The U.S. Economy Just Took A Very Dark Turn​

November 30, 2022 by Michael

The road ahead certainly does not look promising. For much of 2022, there has been a lot of debate about whether or not the U.S. economy is in a recession, is headed for a recession, or is about to turn in a positive direction. Unfortunately, virtually all of the numbers are now telling us that economic conditions are starting to deteriorate quite rapidly as we approach the beginning of 2023, and even rabidly optimistic business leaders such as Jeff Bezos are warning us to prepare for harder times. So now the framework for the debate over our economic future has shifted. At this point, there are some that expect a relatively minor recession and then a recovery, and there are those such as myself that expect immense pain in the years ahead. There are so many warning signs that indicate that the entire system is starting to crack and crumble, but a lot of the “experts” are still hoping that our leaders will find a way to turn things around somehow.
On Wednesday, those of us that closely watch the economic numbers received quite a shock.
The latest figure for the Chicago Purchasing Managers’ Index came in way, way below expectations, and that is really bad news.
If you are not familiar with the Chicago PMI, here is a pretty good definition
The Chicago Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) determines the economic health of the manufacturing sector in Chicago region. A reading above 50 indicates expansion of the manufacturing sector; a reading below indicates contraction. The Chicago PMI can be of some help in forecasting the ISM manufacturing PMI.
Economists were expecting the survey to come in at around 47, but instead the final number came in at just 37.2
In a massive downside surprise, the Chicago PMI survey just printed 37.2 (vs 47.0 expectations), plunging to its lowest level since the peak of the COVID lockdowns in 2020. This was below the lowest estimate of 25 economists surveyed.
In the entire history of the survey, the Chicago PMI has only plunged below 40 during times when the U.S. economy has been in a recession.
Other data points are also telling us that the U.S. economy is clearly trending in the wrong direction…
-Consumer confidence has declined for two months in a row.
-U.S. home prices have now fallen for three months in a row.
-Existing home sales have now dropped for nine months in a row.
The housing industry has not been in this much of a mess since the last housing crash.
According to the NAR, home sales were way down all over the nation last month…
“From a year ago, all four regions had double-digit declines in sales in October. The West had the most significant dip at 37.5%, followed by the South, which fell 27.2%. The Midwest decreased by 25.5%, followed by the Northeast, down 23.0%.”
And if the Federal Reserve continues to hike interest rates, things are only going to get worse.
Even now, we are beginning to see layoffs in the industry that once would have been unimaginable. For example, Reverse Mortgage Funding “laid off 80% of its staff on Tuesday”
One week after deciding to “pause” all of its mortgage originations, Reverse Mortgage Funding LLC (RMF) laid off 80% of its staff on Tuesday.
Various social media posts by former employees maintained that the company, based in Bloomfield, N.J., had closed, but that is not the case, according to someone familiar with Tuesday’s events who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter.
Countless others will be laid off in the months ahead.
Of course other industries are starting to feel quite a bit of pain as well. Earlier today, I was surprised to learn that CNN has decided that a large wave of layoffs has become necessary
Cable news giant CNN will be hit by layoffs Wednesday and Thursday, part of continued cost-cutting by parent company Warner Bros. Discovery, which is trying to integrate the legacy WarnerMedia businesses (like CNN) and the Discovery businesses.
In a memo Wednesday morning, CNN CEO Chris Licht wrote that the channel will inform paid contributors Wednesday as part of a new reporting strategy, with full-time employees being informed of their status on Thursday.
I don’t wish ill on anyone, but the truth is that CNN brought this on themselves.
CNN has lied over and over again in recent years, and those lies have deeply hurt millions upon millions of people.
Elsewhere, the stunning layoffs in the tech industry just continue to accelerate. On Wednesday, DoorDash announced that it would be eliminating approximately 1,250 corporate jobs
DoorDash on Wednesday said it will lay off about 1,250 corporate employees after growing its team too quickly during the pandemic, making it the latest tech company to cut staff in recent weeks.
The cuts represent about 6% of DoorDash’s staff, according to a company spokesperson.
Just within the past few weeks, we have seen so many prominent tech companies lay off workers.
In fact, CNBC is reporting that over 50,000 tech workers lost their jobs during the month of November alone…
Within weeks, mass layoffs primarily in tech, including at Twitter, Meta, Amazon, Salesforce, HP, Lyft, Doordash and more, have flooded headlines. More than 50,000 workers in tech lost their jobs in November, up from 12,600 in October, according to
Sadly, most American workers are not in a position to handle a job loss.
As the Republicans in the House of Representatives recently noted, more than 60 percent of the country is currently living paycheck to paycheck…
Over 60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck in Joe Biden’s economy.
Nearly 40% of workers are considering a second job to stay afloat.
When you are living paycheck to paycheck, it can be extremely difficult to keep paying the bills once you lose a job.
And in the months ahead, we are going to see many more people suddenly get the axe.
Our leaders have pursued policies that have made the coming economic nightmare inevitable, and now we are all going to pay a very great price for their foolishness.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
When people admit the buck has gone to zero, then you have hyper inflation. The base currency has no value. Think about those Zimbabwe trillion dollar notes.

It would be very good for you all to be far away from the crowds (cities) and to have useful tools. Sure, have enough gasoline/diesel to run equipment for a year or so, but have beasts of burden as well and know how to use them. It could get that tough.

Got good neighbors? You're gonna need them.


Saved, to glorify God.
Granny sez-
(you can also as well as catch fish, catch birds and small animals with a cast net)

BUY ONE!- 6.5 feet X33feet ($45)
Netting of all types is useful for making traps too.

.When It comes to Survival or starvation you are no longer "sport fishing" you use ANY means to catch fish that mean the difference between starvation for your family or survival.
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Veteran Member
Granny sez-
ONE gill net, or ONE cast net? What could possibly go wrong where you would then have zero gill nets, or zero cast nets?

Many, many, many, many trot lines, will fish many, many, many, many waters, at the same time.

Hooks, lines, weights, and baits.


Saved, to glorify God.
THIS IS IN ADDITION to many (hundreds) of hooks and bank line as well as monofilament line.
go on ebay to buy hooks and weights by the hundreds.
I did.
l also got a gill net from best glide.
And I'm getting THAT(drag net) seine, and And an 8 foot diameter cast net from amazon.
Yea, I KNOW I'm disabled, but when people are really hungry I KNOW I can find guys to use it if they had one or could find one!

You should KNOW that when you NEED it it will be TOO LATE to try to buy it!
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Let's Go Brandon!
I turned 70 years old yesterday. 2032 would make me 80 years old......just 10 years away!!

Both of my parents lived until their early 80's.......if I had my rathers, I would be happy to leave anytime now!!

I'm only 43; how do you figure I feel? :D


TB Fanatic
Granny sez-
(you can also as well as catch fish, catch birds and small animals with a cast net)

BUY ONE!- 6.5 feet X33feet ($45)
Netting of all types is useful for making traps too.

.When It comes to Survival or starvation you are no longer "sport fishing" you use ANY means to catch fish that mean the difference between starvation for your family or survival.
I got gopher traps . . .
I'll be sitting pretty, making money, selling gopher burgers.
Gonna be rich.


Can do.
The gophers won't eat em but the moles will.

Making tacos out of the moles.
Gonna call em Olé Molé.
Folks gonna cheer.
Cool, I'll add some wild and roasted chickapin acorns for the extra Ol'mole meat.


The problem with gold is that it concentrates too much value into too small a volume. Of course that is also gold's major advantage...

And you silver eagle lovers might well discover a similar problem with those, if things go as bad as I suspect they will. Dimes are your friend ...


Has No Life - Lives on TB
If things go south, violence will totally explode across the whole world and maybe especially in the USA with our hundreds of millions of guns. The last thing you would want people to know you had would be gold, silver, and food. And you would no longer want to just carry concealed. Of course there would be no reason to ever go to town because there would be nothing to buy there unless there was a flea market or farmer's market. I would expect most people would be trying to sell most everything they owned or could steal to try to trade for food.


Veteran Member
Gold will do this time what it has during recorded history going back 6K years. Call it shilling if you wish, I call it imploring people that can to protect themselves so they don’t lose everything they have.
In a Swiss mountain? For a fee? No guarantee the security guards don't run off with it? If a guarantee, the insurance claim paid in gold?

Asking for 4 friends.

And, yes I consider it shilling. What you, and most others, likely do, is to be in control of every step of the process, which is not shilling.