CORONA Gossip from wife's hair appointment

The Mountain

Here since the beginning
Wife had hair done this afternoon. While there, the topic of the vaxx came up. Wife's stylist had the vaxx set and the booster, and after the booster the stylist had to be admitted to the hospital for a week, and upon admission the doc grilled her on whether she had ingested poison based on her symptoms. Further, stylist's daughter also got vaxxed and boosted, and then daughter's menses stopped for 6 months and upon restarting it was tiny black clots. And now both regret getting the vaxx.

Several other stylists and clients concurred, and now share a general antipathy towards Fauci and Biden, and they now regret supporting Biden in the last election.

So the tide may yet be slowly turning. Too late, but turning. It's also yet more anecdotal evidence of the harm inherent in the vaxx.


Contributing Member
Wife had hair done this afternoon. While there, the topic of the vaxx came up. Wife's stylist had the vaxx set and the booster, and after the booster the stylist had to be admitted to the hospital for a week, and upon admission the doc grilled her on whether she had ingested poison based on her symptoms. Further, stylist's daughter also got vaxxed and boosted, and then daughter's menses stopped for 6 months and upon restarting it was tiny black clots. And now both regret getting the vaxx.

Several other stylists and clients concurred, and now share a general antipathy towards Fauci and Biden, and they now regret supporting Biden in the last election.

So the tide may yet be slowly turning. Too late, but turning. It's also yet more anecdotal evidence of the harm inherent in the vaxx.

Did her hairdresser talk about if she's seeing rapid hair loss?? Mine is a hairdresser of 30 yrs and she's been coming home telling me about it. Luckily, I was able to sway her from taking the clot-shot. Also, autoimmune issues? She came home 15 minutes ago asking if autoimmune problems are side effects of the shot. Ummm, that would be a Yep. She has more than one client with that problem.


TB Fanatic
I'm seeing a general feeling of unhappiness among those I talk to over Biden and the Vax.

Nobody has said what they will do or not do, but a general consensus that the Nation is not in a good place and it got worse when Biden took office.

This was not from a Hair place or Barbershop, just everyone, including those talking while out and overhearing what's being said.


TB Fanatic
Did her hairdresser talk about if she's seeing rapid hair loss?? Mine is a hairdresser of 30 yrs and she's been coming home telling me about it. Luckily, I was able to sway her from taking the clot-shot. Also, autoimmune issues? She came home 15 minutes ago asking if autoimmune problems are side effects of the shot. Ummm, that would be a Yep. She has more than one client with that problem.
Mine is saying the same thing but she says” it’s a Covid after effect”…
That is true, I’ve heard that from our own members.

But I’d also suspect, hair loss is ALSO from the vax!!
She’s had all of them of course including her entire family AND her sweet, little granddaughter age five.


TB Fanatic
Wife had hair done this afternoon. While there, the topic of the vaxx came up. Wife's stylist had the vaxx set and the booster, and after the booster the stylist had to be admitted to the hospital for a week, and upon admission the doc grilled her on whether she had ingested poison based on her symptoms. Further, stylist's daughter also got vaxxed and boosted, and then daughter's menses stopped for 6 months and upon restarting it was tiny black clots. And now both regret getting the vaxx.

Several other stylists and clients concurred, and now share a general antipathy towards Fauci and Biden, and they now regret supporting Biden in the last election.

So the tide may yet be slowly turning. Too late, but turning. It's also yet more anecdotal evidence of the harm inherent in the vaxx.

The plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did Covid really spread, and did the Satanic elite tell the world about this bioweapon ahead of time? Dr. Bryan Ardis ( has unveiled a shocking connection between this pandemic and the eternal battle of good and evil which began in the Garden of Eden.

In this Stew Peters Network exclusive, Director Stew Peters, award winning filmmaker Nicholas Stumphauzer and Executive Producer Lauren Witzke bring to light a truth satan himself has fought to suppress.

Visit The Anti-V Collection : ArdisLabs to learn how to protect you and your loved ones during this biological war.

Barry Natchitoches

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Wife had hair done this afternoon. While there, the topic of the vaxx came up. Wife's stylist had the vaxx set and the booster, and after the booster the stylist had to be admitted to the hospital for a week, and upon admission the doc grilled her on whether she had ingested poison based on her symptoms. Further, stylist's daughter also got vaxxed and boosted, and then daughter's menses stopped for 6 months and upon restarting it was tiny black clots. And now both regret getting the vaxx.

Several other stylists and clients concurred, and now share a general antipathy towards Fauci and Biden, and they now regret supporting Biden in the last election.

So the tide may yet be slowly turning. Too late, but turning. It's also yet more anecdotal evidence of the harm inherent in the vaxx.
Given the circumstances, this is good news.

But meantime, here in Memphis, there are certain mobile food giveaways sponsored by the Memphis Food Bank, where you can get the jab and a $50 gift card to Wally World, then get your trunk filled with free food - all at one place, in one stop.


Given the circumstances, this is good news.

But meantime, here in Memphis, there are certain mobile food giveaways sponsored by the Memphis Food Bank, where you can get the jab and a $50 gift card to Wally World, then get your trunk filled with free food - all at one place, in one stop.
That's coercion, exploiting a vulnerable population, and literally making them choose between feeding their kids or risking those kids would end up being raised by someone else if they react badly. DAMN! Am I hearing echoes of NAZI Germany, or am I misremebering? I'm not a student, but it seems some people were promised preferential treatment, in exchange for them being medical Guinea pigs, which they might, ir might not, survive?

HOW do these people sleep at night!?!!


db cooper

Resident Secret Squirrel
And a friend stopped by to visit today, hadn't seen him since the covid scare, because he is a lib, I mean a real lib, and covid scared him to near death. He proudly told us he had his 5th covid shot. In terms of health, he looked just awful.

There is one oddity, some get the full shot treatment, with no ill effects. Others get the shots, and get massive complications or die. I'm inclined to think some are immune to he covid vax.


The Great Cat
Given the circumstances, this is good news.

But meantime, here in Memphis, there are certain mobile food giveaways sponsored by the Memphis Food Bank, where you can get the jab and a $50 gift card to Wally World, then get your trunk filled with free food - all at one place, in one stop.

That should be considered coercion.

Flat out!

Next time you see them doing that, ask them how they feel about killing people for $50. Then trun and ask the person is your life worth $50.?

Judas bastards!

Not directed to you Barry! My goodness but I would never speak to you in such a way. I apologize for using your post to vent.


passin' thru
Stress alone can cause the hair loss, of course.

And it's nice that people are coming to see the light, but do they intend to do anything if/when they discover that voting is not a solution?

I still fear it will take us, en masse, and unarmed, saying fine, you want us dead- do you have the stones to pull it off, here, now, on the world wide stage- and pulling our own tienaman squares and riots and protests. Trouble is, we're still at that stage o' hoping some one else does the hard, dirty work, bleeding and dying for us.


Country exile in the city
Mine is saying the same thing but she says” it’s a Covid after effect”…
That is true, I’ve heard that from our own members.

But I’d also suspect, hair loss is ALSO from the vax!!
She’s had all of them of course including her entire family AND her sweet, little granddaughter age five.
Well I didn't have the vax and I DID have covid.

I had a heavy hair loss, for about a week, after getting better, but then back to normal.

What hair loss is like for the vaxed, I don't know.........


The Great Cat

If this is being discussed in beauty shops and barbershop? You can guarantee it's being talked about at the dinner table, at the bar, at the sporting event, etc.

Grew up in a hydraulic chair in my Grandmother's beauty shop. Yes there is mostly gossip. When it comes to the price of things, sickness, family......take it to the bank!


Learned about life in and behind that chair. I miss it terribly.


Country exile in the city
And a friend stopped by to visit today, hadn't seen him since the covid scare, because he is a lib, I mean a real lib, and covid scared him to near death. He proudly told us he had his 5th covid shot. In terms of health, he looked just awful.

There is one oddity, some get the full shot treatment, with no ill effects. Others get the shots, and get massive complications or die. I'm inclined to think some are immune to he covid vax.
I've read there are different batches, for different areas. I think I saw the link to check that on the FB "Died Suddenly" page the other day but I didn't look it up immediately and so lost it & couldn't find it again. Anyone know what / where that link is? Members here were speculating early-on that some of the high-ups (like Biden/ Clinton, Pelosi) were NOT being given the true vax--just a saline placebo....


Country exile in the city
That's coercion, exploiting a vulnerable population, and literally making them choose between feeding their kids or risking those kids would end up being raised by someone else if they react badly. DAMN! Am I hearing echoes of NAZI Germany, or am I misremebering? I'm not a student, but it seems some people were promised preferential treatment, in exchange for them being medical Guinea pigs, which they might, ir might not, survive?

HOW do these people sleep at night!?!!

"there is no fear of God before their eyes........"


And a friend stopped by to visit today, hadn't seen him since the covid scare, because he is a lib, I mean a real lib, and covid scared him to near death. He proudly told us he had his 5th covid shot. In terms of health, he looked just awful.

There is one oddity, some get the full shot treatment, with no ill effects. Others get the shots, and get massive complications or die. I'm inclined to think some are immune to he covid vax.
One of the Docs Greg Hunter interviewed said that there are indeed different batches, and whether you get sick just depends on whether your shot came from a "hot" batch.


Senior Member
I lost hair by the handfuls daily for at 4-6 weeks following covid/pneumonia. No vaxx. It’s coming back in now and sometimes I look a little wild because it’s just short enough to not lay flat or go into a pony tail. I put so many products on it and use Bobby pins and it still manages to stick out everywhere. Not complaining that it’s coming back, it’s just a daily struggle and I’m grateful it’s not worse. Thankfully I started out with a lot of hair.


Veteran Member
I've read there are different batches, for different areas. I think I saw the link to check that on the FB "Died Suddenly" page the other day but I didn't look it up immediately and so lost it & couldn't find it again. Anyone know what / where that link is? Members here were speculating early-on that some of the high-ups (like Biden/ Clinton, Pelosi) were NOT being given the true vax--just a saline placebo....
I remember early on when they were just starting the jabs, you had to give your name, address, etc. You had to live in this specific geographical area to get the jab. If you were not local, you did not get a jab.

I bet money that they want this area dead. Oklahoma.



Wednesday, September 28, 2022
"Should I get my anti-vax friends’ baby vaccinated without telling them?"

That's the question put by an anonymous reader to Damon Young's advice column in the Washington Post.

Hi Damon: My best friend is an antivaxxer (not only covid, all the vaccines). His wife is, too. They have a 9-month-old baby and they haven’t vaccinated him. I babysit for them every other weekend. Should I take the baby to get his shots without telling them?

To his credit, despite being pro-vaxx, Damon advised strongly against doing so:

I am also a parent of two small children. And if someone took them, against my will, to get vaccinated? Let’s just say that I was advised, by my editors, for legal-ish reasons, not to say what I’d do to that person.

What you’re suggesting is reckless, egregious and possibly even criminal. Forty-three states require a parent’s permission to vaccinate a child. The age where parental consent is no longer necessary depends on the state, and ranges between 15 and 18. But these laws are for teenagers who wish to get vaccinated, not adults who want to sneak their friends’ babies to the clinic.

Of course, if you believe that your friends are abusing their children, you have a responsibility to report them. But despite the fact that I do agree with you on the necessity of vaccination, and that your friends are acting dangerously, you’ve burrowed so deeply in the rabbit hole of self-righteousness that you’ve come up on the wrong side.

There's more at the link.

What astonishes me (although, given the number of Karens who've popped out of the woodwork since the COVID-19 pandemic began, perhaps it shouldn't have) is that someone could even begin to think that interfering in the health care of someone else's children - her best friend's children, at that - is OK in any way, shape or form. It's none of her business! How would she react if someone else were to restrain her from vaccinating her own kids, because they didn't agree with her views on the subject?

How could anyone in their right mind even conceive of such a question, much less ask it? My mind boggles at such incredibly insouciant blindness to reality. It boggles even more that a "best friend" would be willing to betray so intimate a trust like that. Talk about Nurse Ratched in the flesh! (Of course, I'd try to choose my close friends better than that in the first place.)

All I can say is, if anyone did that to a child of mine and I found out about it, . (Fill in the dark bit to your own satisfaction. Further affiant sayeth naught.)


Posted by Peter at 9/28/2022 12:03:00 PM
I've read there are different batches, for different areas. I think I saw the link to check that on the FB "Died Suddenly" page the other day but I didn't look it up immediately and so lost it & couldn't find it again. Anyone know what / where that link is? Members here were speculating early-on that some of the high-ups (like Biden/ Clinton, Pelosi) were NOT being given the true vax--just a saline placebo....
MeThinks that once They realize the shot could kill, no public-facing person ever had a real jab.


Senior Member
Did her hairdresser talk about if she's seeing rapid hair loss?? Mine is a hairdresser of 30 yrs and she's been coming home telling me about it. Luckily, I was able to sway her from taking the clot-shot. Also, autoimmune issues? She came home 15 minutes ago asking if autoimmune problems are side effects of the shot. Ummm, that would be a Yep. She has more than one client with that problem.
I’ve been losing hair like crazy and my hairdresser said that this last Covid strain has seemed to cause a lot of women to lose their hair (and I’ve had Covid 2 or 3 times now, lol… I’ve lost track. So, I’m assuming that’s why I’m losing hair. It seems to be slowing down. My vaxxed daughter is on her 4th round of Covid, BTW, and started having TIAs about 3 months. They finally stopped. We totally believe it’s from being fully vaccinated. She’s only 30 yrs old.)

Walrus Whisperer

Hope in chains...
I've read there are different batches, for different areas. I think I saw the link to check that on the FB "Died Suddenly" page the other day but I didn't look it up immediately and so lost it & couldn't find it again. Anyone know what / where that link is? Members here were speculating early-on that some of the high-ups (like Biden/ Clinton, Pelosi) were NOT being given the true vax--just a saline placebo....
I think I read that it was taken down. Too much truth, I guess.

Walrus Whisperer

Hope in chains...
I lost hair by the handfuls daily for at 4-6 weeks following covid/pneumonia. No vaxx. It’s coming back in now and sometimes I look a little wild because it’s just short enough to not lay flat or go into a pony tail. I put so many products on it and use Bobby pins and it still manages to stick out everywhere. Not complaining that it’s coming back, it’s just a daily struggle and I’m grateful it’s not worse. Thankfully I started out with a lot of hair.
This happened to me. At the start of the covid thing, I had some bizarre health symptoms. My sis took me to the doctors, hadn't been to one in years. The first thing they did was jam a stick thing up my nose and said I was positive for covid. Was never sick. It turned out I had luekemia. It did cause some hair loss to the point I had my head shaved, it's now about 2" long now. And all white. Sheesh. My sister on the west coast refuses the vax also.
My sister here & her husband have both been vaxxed. I try hard to not be too close to them. They seem to have none of the common vax injury stuff.
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Walrus Whisperer

Hope in chains...
"I am also a parent of two small children. And if someone took them, against my will, to get vaccinated? Let’s just say that I was advised, by my editors, for legal-ish reasons, not to say what I’d do to that person."

That's the answer I would give in this day & age.

Walrus Whisperer

Hope in chains...
I lost hair by the handfuls daily for at 4-6 weeks following covid/pneumonia. No vaxx. It’s coming back in now and sometimes I look a little wild because it’s just short enough to not lay flat or go into a pony tail. I put so many products on it and use Bobby pins and it still manages to stick out everywhere. Not complaining that it’s coming back, it’s just a daily struggle and I’m grateful it’s not worse. Thankfully I started out with a lot of hair.
I just started wearing hats! It helps your self image, especially when your short hair isn't cooperating. Plus your head heat loss is dampened quite a bit. Even more so with winter coming on....go to any thrift or resale store. They usually will have a selection.
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