PLAY Anyone have plans for the 4th?


Just wondering if anyone has plans for the 4th? Is it our last Independence Day before the country completely sinks into oblivion?

We are going to dinner tonight and watch fireworks over the Charles River. Tomorrow we are supposed to go to the Boston JerkFest Caribbean Foodie Festival but it looks like the weather may not cooperate.

Sunday and Monday hang around the house and BBQ.

Enjoy while we still can



Sitting around watching the idiots run amuck, then have a beer or 2

I am a little worried about idiots tomorrow so IF it does rain, I won't be completely disappointed

I'm playing volleyball with my family in a tournament. I'll be the oldest female player there; my DH the oldest male.

I'll be drinking many adult beverages...must stay hydrated in the 90+ degree weather.

I won't be able to walk on Tuesday. :strs:

Adult beverages will be consumed all weekend LOL :chg:

Kathy in FL

Oldest son has to work. Just married daughter and her hubs have to work. (Both healthcare and son in law interviewing).
Younger son and a daughter are taking hubs to the new Elvis movie.
I'm staying home to prep the grill.
My parents and my mother's friend (and possibly friend's brother and sister in law) coming over late afternoon for a grill out.

Have no idea what I am fixing as of yet. Depends what is on sale. LOL


Veteran Member
Grilling hot dogs, macaroni salad and baked beans. Just us and taking a plate to neighbor.
They are cracking down on fireworks in our area 2500 fine. Will be interesting to see how many bottle rockets are set off. Nobody pays attention to any law that I've ever seen around here.

Your plans sound nice Annie, enjoy and Happy 4th to you and yours.


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
This "JUNK FOOD DAY".....things I never eat anymore I am having today....cheese puffs, double Oreos and soda!! NOT my normal fare, but heck it's the FOURTH OF JULY!!!!

Like someone said, "it may be the LAST one!".......which will really make me PO'd!!!!


Res ipsa loquitur
not unlike like Seeker22 we Raggedies are keepin our butts on the mountain where its safe QUIET and there ain't no YANKEE TURISTO's to mess with.

accu guess weather is calling for rain right now - so it looks like ribeyes over a little bit of hickory, some cherry and apple - but that's subject to change depending on the weather . . . if its dry it may well be deep fried catfish and coleslaw . . . heck I might even have a few french fries to go with my malt vinegar and side of catfish :D


Hoosier Gardener
Not this year, it's just DH and I. The family that lives close enough to visit with are either leaving on vacation this weekend or have other obligations and can't come. Same with friends. We'll still have a cookout and our traditional flag cake but we will probably just watch the fireworks on TV.


Voice on the Prairie / FJB!
Watching the weather, too.

I'm staying close to home, just biking and kayaking in the area. I will be grilling hot dogs and hamburgers as the weather permits, maybe also thaw a ribeye from the freezer.

I'm just not up to dealing with traffic, police trying to fill ticket quotas, and people acting like idiots in general. So far, it's been locals getting their workouts in (on the trails), plus the retirees fishing -- regular park and trail users. A lot of people seemed to have hit the road to go see family, so I hope it's quiet. If not, I'll head home and watch movies on DVD.

Ordinary Girl

Veteran Member
I’ve been invited to a bbq. Not sure if I’m going as I have lupus sores all over me from being in the sun. Will just exacerbate the problem. Was asked by the girl loading my groceries at Harris teeter today if I’d heard of monkeypox. She asked this while looking at my sore ridden arms. Sigh..