FOOD Azure headquarters destroyed by fire


Veteran Member
155 arty, can you post that spreadsheet, or list? Or send it to me? Or PM me a way to get/find your list?

I'm trying to find this event. Can you give me a few more details to help me try to find an article/thread on it? Or if you know of an article/thread on it, please post it. Thanks.

I'm working on a list for the other thread...


Veteran Member
Run time 1:49

"Exclusive images of the Azure Standard HQ fire, which completely destroyed the facility as well as examples of the massive outpouring of support from our amazing community. With gratitude and hopeful optimism, we move forward confidently! Azure Standard is an independent, family owned and managed farm based out of Dufur, Oregon, and is also one of America’s largest independent distributors of natural, organic and non-GMO foods as well as home, health, outdoor and garden related products."

"Our hope is certain....Thank you for your kind words and prayers.... With optimism & faith we'll rebuild, and come back stronger than ever.... Thank you again, we truly appreciate you."

Azure HQ Destroyed by Fire, No Injuries
The headquarters of Azure Standard, the nation's premier independent distributor of organic and healthy food, was destroyed by fire overnight. There were no injuries. The cause of the fire is unknown and under investigation. The loss of the facility and the impact on company-wide operations is being assessed and expected to be limited and temporary. No other Azure Standard facilities were affected.
Hey,!!! The video I saw here the other day the guy went through a lot of the food fires and every single one was started on a late Wed to Thurs!! And now ANOTHER one is on Wed/Thurs. I think this is sabatage. Can't spell it.

They are hitting us from all sides and making sure there are no plants left to handle the food. It's obvious the starvation that is coming is all planned. Make us sick from the shots and then starve us, and if that doesn't do the job have a nuclear war. Pure EVIL is at the very top running things....and sometimes I wonder if "they" are human.....
'They' are 'taking down' the companies' that produce our foods. This was not the first...and, sadly, it won't be the last...

"Hide and watch"...
Cappy - you are SO smart,!! I totally agree!!
Check out cattails...

Hey, remember that big pool I have in my yard with the liner all ripped? Well, for the last 7 yrs it's been growing cattails in it. Don't know where they came from. Maybe birds,? I didn't mention it before cuz I was embarrassed to admit I got "weeds" growing in my pool. Over the years there's a good amount of them.


Veteran Member
Hey,!!! The video I saw here the other day the guy went through a lot of the food fires and every single one was started on a late Wed to Thurs!! And now ANOTHER one is on Wed/Thurs. I think this is sabatage. Can't spell it.

They are hitting us from all sides and making sure there are no plants left to handle the food. It's obvious the starvation that is coming is all planned. Make us sick from the shots and then starve us, and if that doesn't do the job have a nuclear war. Pure EVIL is at the very top running things....and sometimes I wonder if "they" are human.....
Azure burned during the night of Monday April 18-Tuesday April 19. The other one I know about here in Oregon was Shearer's in Hermiston, which was 1 p.m. on Tuesday, February 22. I don't know about the rest.
You are right. I didn't read the full article before I posted. But the guy on the video said a lot of those kind of fires were on a Wed/ Thurs. Maybe not all, but enough to be suspicious.