POL Arizona Audit Terrifies Democrats And GOP ‘Establishment’

Jonas Parker


Arizona Audit Terrifies Democrats And GOP ‘Establishment’
by Christopher G. Adamo May 20, 2021

The massive effort to suppress any news of the Maricopa County Arizona audit highlights not only the alarming extent of the leftist “Deep State,” but also its greatest weakness. An ideology built entirely on lies -and this accurately defines the underlying belief system of the left, which is Marxism- cannot be implemented honestly and openly. It can only be advanced through the total intimidation and silencing of all opposition, along with an incessant barrage of more lies. The mere presence of truth can deal a fatal blow to it.

The leftist Fake News crowd rarely mentions the Arizona audit, but when they do their “coverage” is venomous and disparaging. Moreover, the audit is being condemned on a “bipartisan” basis (assuming leftist Democrats and their RINO lackeys aren’t actually in the same “party”) as everything from “criminal” to “an attack on the Constitution,” to flatly “un-American.” Excuses and justifications for such accusations vary wildly, the only element of consistency among them being the frenzied effort to stop the audit by any means, before any factual information can be derived from it.

When voices of sanity are finally heard (and understandably, these are only from the right), they ask: If the vote in November was conducted honestly and legitimately, why would anyone be concerned about an audit? Under those circumstances, all it could accomplish would be to validate the leftist Democrat claims that the election was conducted honestly and legitimately. And of course the underlying reason for all the leftist Democrat and RINO squalling becomes self-evident at that point.

Nevertheless, this all-encompassing question needs to be repeated on every possible occasion! The tenor of leftist Democrat and RINO rancor over the audit is itself evidence of how thoroughly corrupt the “System” is, an that everyone knows it. The loudest voices must be identified and indelibly tagged for their complicity in the election theft and the ongoing attempted coup of the United States of America. Otherwise, regardless of any audit outcome, the cancer will remain in place, to metastasize once again, the moment an opportunity is presented.

The physical circumstances on sight in Arizona are themselves very disturbing, and very telling. Leftists have engaged in open harassment and attempts at intimidation of auditors. Democrat organizations from outside the state have filed several lawsuits in an attempt to shut down the audit. In every possible manner, the political left is showing its visceral fear of what the audit will likely reveal.

Already, enough information has been collected to prove rampant chicanery during the election. Whether or not the corrupt acts were sufficient to change the outcome is not officially established… yet. But leftist Democrat and RINO behavior shows that opponents of the audit have a good idea of what the answer is.

Among those behaving like cornered animals are the “caretakers” of Maricopa County voting machines. After stonewalling in every possible manner when computer servers were subpoenaed, they finally delivered the servers with memories “wiped,” of significant information in the exact manner that Hillary Clinton’s computer servers were handed over to law enforcement. And that is certainly no coincidence.

Without dwelling excessively on the fact that, had any conservative behaved in this manner when faced with a subpoena (and assuming the FBI didn’t just break down every door and forcibly confiscate the subpoenaed items), cries of “obstructing justice” would have resounded 24/7 from every news outlet, coast to coast. Yet the silence among them all is “deafening” in the current circumstance.

Fortunately, the pro-America, pro-Constitution Arizona Senate, the driving force behind the audit, is fully aware of the vile nature of its leftist “Deep State” opposition, and has been several steps ahead of it from the moment the audit became a reality. Leftist dirty tricks have not prevailed, including the attempted destruction of those “wiped” computer files, which have now been forensically recovered. It is guaranteed that behind closed doors, leftist Democrats and any who collaborated with them went into a total panic, the moment this news became public.

The dominoes are already falling. Audits are being demanded in other swing states. Wisconsin has made preliminary the steps to conduct one, and not surprisingly is facing much the same opposition and contrived outrage as did Arizona. Georgia Gubernatorial candidate Vernon Jones is publicly calling for an audit there. As evidence of a stolen election surfaces in any location, the determination to uncover it elsewhere will only multiply.

Jones and Georgia, in particular, spotlight a profoundly significant element of the entire election fraud and theft. Jones is running for Governor as a Republican, against “Republican” incumbent Brian Kemp. If all was honest and above board, Kemp would be eagerly advocating a full and comprehensive audit. He flatly denied any wrongdoing in the election aftermath, and impeded every attempt at implementing even the most cursory “post mortem.” So a thorough audit of an honest election would completely vindicate Kemp, while making Jones look totally ridiculous and dooming his electoral prospects. But of course Kemp’s response to the call is precisely the opposite. And nobody is surprised.

America’s very future as a Constitutional Republic hangs in the balance. This is not about everyday partisan politics, or any of the platitudes by which the Washington D.C. swamp will vainly attempt to trivialize it. This is about returning the voice to the people, and restoring the Constitution of the United States. A word of advice to both leftist Democrats and their RINO lackeys: Do not attempt any more of your flailing efforts to suppress or bypass the truth through transparent lies and juvenile mockery. “We The People” know, by your actions, which side you are on.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Jonas Parker : " A word of advice to both leftist Democrats and their RINO lackeys: Do not attempt any more of your flailing efforts to suppress or bypass the truth through transparent lies and juvenile mockery. “We The People” know, by your actions, which side you are on. "

Yes they protest too much !!

I am reminded of :
" Those that make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable "
I think that was JFK !

I also remember :
" When the people fear the government, there is tyranny, but when the government fears the people, there is freedom "
I think that was Thomas Jefferson.

It would appear the government does NOT fear the people !

Although it is noteworthy, they started to fear in DC on 6th !


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TB Fanatic
I find it interesting that nothing has been leaked yet.

If the results say there was no faked ballots, we know that is statistically impossible and the results were screwed with once again.

If they say, there was some fakery but it didn't change anything, I will need to know what they consider was fakery before I agree. If it was all for Trump, then again we know they are screwing with the results.

They are working too hard to shut people up.

I think back to Crowder showing how many people voted in Nevada who had addresses that were empty lots. And then the reaction to that video.


TB Fanatic
Apparently the democrats have a lot to hide and from their actions too much so.
This is a state issue/invesigation started by the State Legislature and the DOJ and FBI have no say in this.

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
FORTUNATELY the STATE Senate has the stones to tell the Feds to Bugger OFF on this one. DAMN that crappy old moldy piece of paper anyway.


Senior Member
I am of the opinion that it does not terrify them. Only because they know that enough levers of power are in place to offset any truth or fact that is derived by an audit. In other words: what are you going to do about it, if you can`t find a legal entity to enforce it?
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Sid Vicious

Veteran Member
I find it interesting that nothing has been leaked yet.

If the results say there was no faked ballots, we know that is statistically impossible and the results were screwed with once again.

If they say, there was some fakery but it didn't change anything, I will need to know what they consider was fakery before I agree. If it was all for Trump, then again we know they are screwing with the results.

They are working too hard to shut people up.

I think back to Crowder showing how many people voted in Nevada who had addresses that were empty lots. And then the reaction to that video.

Plenty is out there. They do regular updates in the AZ senate.

The Snack Artist

Membership Revoked
I am of the opinion that it does not terrify them. Only because they know that enough levers of power are in place to offset any truth or fact that is derived by an audit. In other words: what are you going to do about it if can`t find a legal entity to enforce it?
After the audit shows there was rampant and egregious cheating up and down the ballot the (D)s will stand back and say, "Yeah. ok. What are you going to do about it?" The answer will be, "Nothing."


Has No Life - Lives on TB
After the audit shows there was rampant and egregious cheating up and down the ballot the (D)s will stand back and say, "Yeah. ok. What are you going to do about it?" The answer will be, "Nothing."
Depends on the Patriots in AZ, what kind of stones they have !


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I am of the opinion that it does not terrify them. Only because they know that enough levers of power are in place to offset any truth or fact that is derived by an audit. In other words: what are you going to do about it, if you can`t find a legal entity to enforce it?
Therein is the quandary that will be faced !!!

Gee, what ever is the answer ????

Bubble Head

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Arizona is not backing down. In fact they sound pissed and are getting right into the DOJs face. If they find the election to be fraudulent I wouldn’t be surprised if the legislature recalled the Senator and gave it to the rightful winner. This would flip the Senate and let lose the dogs of war. Freedom is never free. It will come at a cost.


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
I thought that the results were supposed to be released today? It's 11:15 pm, and I haven't seen anything.


TB Fanatic
Arizona audit of 2020 election hits hand-count milestone

PHOENIX (AP) — A Republican-led hand recount of ballots cast in Arizona’s most populous county hit a major milestone Monday when counters finished tallying all the regular ballots cast in November's presidential and U.S. Senate election, the Arizona Senate's liaison said.

Ken Bennett, a Republican former secretary of state who has been monitoring the contractors actually recounting the 2.1 million ballots, said all that remains are a small number of boxes filled with Braille, large-type, overseas military and "duplicated ballots".

The GOP-led Senate ordered the audit after backers of President Donald Trump claimed without evidence that fraud led to his loss in Arizona and other battleground states. The Republican-dominated Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has repeatedly said the election was fair and free of any problems.

Bennett didn't give a count for the remaining ballots, but they are a tiny fraction of the hundreds of boxes of ballots that were toted to the state fairgrounds in April. Counting was expected to only take a few weeks but ended up taking nearly two months.

Counters had to vacate the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in mid-April to make way for for high school graduations. When they restarted after a week on May 28, more tables and counters were added to try to speed up the process.

Bennett said the formal hand recount ordered by Senate President Karen Fann will be completed by the end of the month. Now that the main counting is complete, workers have been reassigned to help photograph each ballot as part of a second stage of the review designed to ensure that no phony ballots have been slipped in.

“It’s all aspects related to the authenticity of the ballots,” Bennett said, including folds in ballots, alignment marks, ensuring the ballot was marked by a hand-held pen or marker and not done by a printer.

Separately, the contractors are perusing the computer programs used to count the ballots and examining the vote count machines.

Bennett and others involved with the “audit” have not released any information on results. They are expected to be released in a report at some time after the recount's conclusion.

Senate Republicans issued a subpoena to take control of 2.1 million ballots, voting machines and election data from the state’s largest county after former President Donald Trump claimed without evidence that his loss in Arizona and other battleground states was marred by fraud. The county balked but handed them over after a judge ruled the Senate had the authority to seek the materials.

The Senate’s Republican leaders hired several firms led by Cyber Ninjas, a small Florida-based consultancy with no election experience before this year, to audit the materials.

The review won’t change the outcome of the election. But some Trump supporters believe it will turn up evidence to support his narrative of fraud.

Voting-rights advocates and election administrators say the 2020 election was conducted well and worry the Arizona GOP review is using slipshod procedures and investigating far-fetched conspiracy theories.



Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
We know they cheated. The question continues to be what remedy will be used and when?
I continue to be skeptical because so far the court challenges haven't amounted to anything.

von Koehler

Has No Life - Lives on TB
We know they cheated. The question continues to be what remedy will be used and when?
I continue to be skeptical because so far the court challenges haven't amounted to anything.

True but any regime is dependent on the underlying staff to carry out their orders.

If enough people are enraged by the election fraud and refuse to obey, the regime will fail.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
It will be interesting what the supreme court does if they get this
The Supreme Court will not get it. They will say " No Standing " !!!

The SC needs to be investigated, they are either succumbing to orders, or they are bribed, or threatened, or, they are willing participants in on the scam !!!!



Veteran Member
Empty lots in nevada as addresses for voters...must have picture of residence or lot for the census....

The bigger picture is becoming clear.

8 years of soetoro and now all that this admin clan is up to.

Crafty, but not smart.

Sneaker 11

As DV2 just posted, it will be the canvas not the count that the libs and RINOs are really worried about. When the entire forensic audit is complete, then all of the results will be made public. I find it most interesting that as much as the msm has tried to paint a picture of total incompetence in the audit.........there have been no leaks from Arizona. Hmmmmmm



TB Fanatic
Maricopa County Announces They Will No Longer Use the 2020 Voting Machines – GOP Senator Wendy Rogers Chimes In: “Ban ALL fraud machines!”
By Jordan Conradson
Published June 28, 2021 at 10:51pm

Maricopa County officials announced on Monday they will not use fraudulent voting equipment again. “The County will never use equipment that could pose a risk to free and fair elections.”

On Monday, woke local Arizona journalist Jen Fifield shared some good news for a change.
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Maricopa County will no longer use “compromised” voting machines. This announcement comes after Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobb’s May 20, 2021 letter, to the County, blaming the Arizona Senate for compromising the machines.
If we want free and fair elections, we should just go back to paper ballots.



TB Fanatic
Arizona’s Maricopa County will replace voting equipment, fearful that GOP-backed election review has compromised security

Rosalind S. Helderman
June 28, 2021 at 9:38 p.m. EDT

Arizona’s Maricopa County announced Monday that it will replace voting equipment that was turned over to a private contractor for a Republican-commissioned review of the 2020 presidential election, concerned that the process compromised the security of the machines.

Officials from Maricopa, the state’s largest county and home to Phoenix, provided no estimates of the costs involved but have previously said that the machines cost millions to acquire.
“The voters of Maricopa County can rest assured, the County will never use equipment that could pose a risk to free and fair elections,” the county said in a statement. “As a result, the County will not use the subpoenaed equipment in any future elections.”

The announcement probably reflects an added cost to taxpayers for a controversial review that has been embraced by supporters of former president Donald Trump, who has falsely claimed that the 2020 election was rigged in Arizona and other battlegrounds that he lost.

More than six months after the 2020 presidential election, Arizona Senate Republicans are leading an audit of the 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa County. (Erin Patrick O'Connor/The Washington Post)

The review was ordered by the Republican-led state Senate, which seized voting equipment, including nine tabulating machines used at a central counting facility and 385 precinct-based tabulators, as well as nearly 2.1 million ballots from Maricopa County, with a legislative subpoena in late April. The review is being led by a Florida company called Cyber Ninjas, whose chief executive has echoed Trump’s false claims. Audit organizers have said that they have completed a hand recount but that they will not release results from their review until August.
Spokesmen for the audit and for Senate President Karen Fann (R), who ordered the review, did not immediately respond to requests for comment about Maricopa’s announcement.

The process being used to recount ballots and examine voting machines — conducted on the floor of a former basketball arena in Phoenix and live-streamed exclusively using cameras operated by the pro-Trump One America News — has been widely panned by election experts as sloppy, insecure and opaque.


Faithful Steed
I find it most interesting that as much as the msm has tried to paint a picture of total incompetence in the audit.........there have been no leaks from Arizona. Hmmmmmm
And 20 states have come and examined the proceedings - and all went away impressed.

Imagine - 20 states - nobody said BOO.

You would think if anyone said anything like - "I saw someone chewing on a pencil eraser" - it would be noticed and reported and REPEATED endlessly (and breathlessly). The MEEDIA is THAT starved for critique.

Waiting is hard. Like Christmas.



TB Fanatic
Arizona’s Maricopa County will replace voting equipment, fearful that GOP-backed election review has compromised security

Rosalind S. Helderman
June 28, 2021 at 9:38 p.m. EDT

Arizona’s Maricopa County announced Monday that it will replace voting equipment that was turned over to a private contractor for a Republican-commissioned review of the 2020 presidential election, concerned that the process compromised the security of the machines.

Officials from Maricopa, the state’s largest county and home to Phoenix, provided no estimates of the costs involved but have previously said that the machines cost millions to acquire.
“The voters of Maricopa County can rest assured, the County will never use equipment that could pose a risk to free and fair elections,” the county said in a statement. “As a result, the County will not use the subpoenaed equipment in any future elections.”

The announcement probably reflects an added cost to taxpayers for a controversial review that has been embraced by supporters of former president Donald Trump, who has falsely claimed that the 2020 election was rigged in Arizona and other battlegrounds that he lost.

More than six months after the 2020 presidential election, Arizona Senate Republicans are leading an audit of the 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa County. (Erin Patrick O'Connor/The Washington Post)

The review was ordered by the Republican-led state Senate, which seized voting equipment, including nine tabulating machines used at a central counting facility and 385 precinct-based tabulators, as well as nearly 2.1 million ballots from Maricopa County, with a legislative subpoena in late April. The review is being led by a Florida company called Cyber Ninjas, whose chief executive has echoed Trump’s false claims. Audit organizers have said that they have completed a hand recount but that they will not release results from their review until August.
Spokesmen for the audit and for Senate President Karen Fann (R), who ordered the review, did not immediately respond to requests for comment about Maricopa’s announcement.

The process being used to recount ballots and examine voting machines — conducted on the floor of a former basketball arena in Phoenix and live-streamed exclusively using cameras operated by the pro-Trump One America News — has been widely panned by election experts as sloppy, insecure and opaque.