CRIME Louisiana: 3 dead, 2 injured in shooting at gun outlet store


I give up.

Updated February 20 at 5:40 PM

NEW ORLEANS (WVUE) -The Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office is currently on the scene of a shooting that has left three people dead and two others injured in Metairie Saturday afternoon.

Sheriff Joseph Lopinto says deputies responded to the Jefferson Gun Outlet in the 6900 block of Airline Drive around 3 p.m.

According to investigators, a disagreement inside of the store led to the suspect shooting two people. Others inside of business engaged in a shootout with the suspect before the suspect was struck.

Both victims inside of the business and the suspect were pronounced dead at the scene. Two others were transported to University Medical Center where they are listed in stable condition.

The investigation into the shooting is ongoing.


night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
Guy walks in with an un-holstered, loaded gun and gets called on it for not being in a shooting lane and he proceded to USE said gun. Suicide by anyone nearby???


Let's Go Brandon!
Takes a real genius to start a gunfight in a gun store.

I have never been in a gun store, even a very small gun store,
where the people running the gun store, were not armed,
openly carrying, sometimes multiple weapons.

The crazy has taken over the ZUSA, and we ain't seen nothing yet.

Please be safe everyone. Our time is up.

Regards to all.



Used to spend a good bit of time in various gun stores/pawn shops when I lived near NC's 4th largest metro. Enough to be on hand for two different NDs. In the first, a customer discharged a 12 ga. shotgun into the ceiling. Don't trust tubular magazines to be empty without double/triple checking, folks.

Second one was counter help letting a pistol ripone into the floor by function checking with live ammo. They make snap caps for that...

Exciting moments, both...

Had a couple of times when supposed customers made me nervous enough to 'closely examine' a double shotgun while surreptitiously loading it with buckshot I slipped off the nearby ammo shelf. Fortunately they did not do anything untoward. BTW, I was on my way home from Ft. Bragg after 9/11 and could not carry on post, including in my car.


Veteran Member
I think this was a hit piece to promote the gun grabber's rhetoric on "gun violence".

See, all they did was have an argument, and the evil guns jumped up out of the display cases, loaded themselves, and proceeded to shoot up the place.

db cooper

Resident Secret Squirrel
Takes a real genius to start a gunfight in a gun store.
Several years back I was in a gun store salivating over a particular weapon. I asked the guy behind the counter if they've ever been held up. Two other customers then pulled out their concealed weapons. That answered my question.

So yes, you are quite correct, this clown was a real genius.

db cooper

Resident Secret Squirrel
BTW, I was on my way home from Ft. Bragg after 9/11 and could not carry on post, including in my car.
Same here. I used to work at a major USAF B52/ICBM air base and we used to bring fire arms on and off base all the time to buy, sell, trade or just show off. No one cared. But I will say I was given a permit to carry a .17 cal air rifle on and off for the purpose of shooting gofers on USAF properties.


Same here. I used to work at a major USAF B52/ICBM air base and we used to bring fire arms on and off base all the time to buy, sell, trade or just show off. No one cared. But I will say I was given a permit to carry a .17 cal air rifle on and off for the purpose of shooting gofers on USAF properties.
Damn, they have an alternative plan for ending the employment of underpaid office help?


db cooper

Resident Secret Squirrel
I'm thinking, I'm thinking.
I shot gofers, the little four legged fury critters that make little tunnels. I shot them at USAF ICBM missile control centers. They were considered varmints and had to go. I volunteered, was accepted provided I bought the weapon, and thus carried it on and off base as well as the missile control facilities (MAF), formerly called Launch Control Facilities (LCF).

I had to surrender the weapon twice to the USAF uniformed cops. Once when I used the wrong call sign to gain access. Another was when I was escorting some college hotties to a MAF. These girls even went down stairs to the launch capsule where the officers showed them how missiles were launched. What happened these girls were supposed to have two forms of picture ID to gain access, they did not. The cop that let them in was so happy to see hot chicks he just forgot. In cases of such security violations personnel are escorted off site under armed guard until the mess is straightened out. The cop got fired.


On TB every waking moment
I wonder if the counter staff was also wearing body armor. If not then for anyone else similarly employed it may be something to consider.

db cooper

Resident Secret Squirrel
I wonder if the counter staff was also wearing body armor. If not then for anyone else similarly employed it may be something to consider.
Just the other day I was thinking of the various ways we can get our names on "lists". For sure, being on any internet forum such as this, is one way. Obviously excessive ammo or recent AR15 purchases is another. But body armor, that has got to be a sure fire ticket for being on the radical right wing nut job insurgents list. In the leftist's mind, just why else would you want it?

I have not checked, but I bet there is a run on body armor much the same there is on ammo and certain guns.

I actually looked into it once and was advised it's not like putting on a jacket. There is a weight factor and discomfort factor to adjust to. Many that buy body armor will not religiously use for that reason, and will not be on when actually needed. It's like carrying concealed, the weapon is absolutely useless if it's not on your body, but rather somewhere in your home.


Designated Grumpy Old Fart
Was at a gun show a number of years back in Denver or Colorado Springs. There was an announcement that some dumbarse anti-gunner(s) were walking around LOADING FIREARMS, slipping in an odd round here and there in the hopes of someone there would accidentally shoot someone. Talk about a frenzy of sellers checking all their guns!! :eek:


Red Baron

I have never been in a gun store, even a very small gun store,
where the people running the gun store, were not armed,
openly carrying, sometimes multiple weapons.

The crazy has taken over the ZUSA, and we ain't seen nothing yet.

Please be safe everyone. Our time is up.

Regards to all.


Gander Mountain in Wisconsin did not allow their employees to be armed, even in the gun department.

They did allow the customers to open and to conceal carry.

I saw one young male customer with a big fat cheap chrome plated .380 ACP (a Davis?) that was wedged between the inside of his belt and the waist of his jeans. No holster. I was just waiting for that thing to go clattering across the floor.
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TB Fanatic
Not the first time as I recall a few years back two or three black guys tried to rob a gun store and If I remember correctly they shot and killed one of the owners and the wife survived.