CHAT I'm sick of it!


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
All the innuendos and game playing>>>either Trump has declared an IA declaration or he hasn't.

I am truly beginning to believe he is just letting everything go and doesn't plan to do anything>>>I do find that very hard to believe, but why in the heck won't he let us know what is going on??

And yes, I've read and re-read all the stuff in the Bomb Shelter>>>>there is nothing for sure. I'm tired and I don't have the energy or time to constantly monitor what the heck is going on<<<get it done or forget it and let us get on with trying to live under the hell we have winnowed!!


Veteran Member
All the innuendos and game playing>>>either Trump has declared an IA declaration or he hasn't.

I am truly beginning to believe he is just letting everything go and doesn't plan to do anything>>>I do find that very hard to believe, but why in the heck won't he let us know what is going on??

And yes, I've read and re-read all the stuff in the Bomb Shelter>>>>there is nothing for sure. I'm tired and I don't have the energy or time to constantly monitor what the heck is going on<<<get it done or forget it and let us get on with trying to live under the hell we have winnowed!!
Because if he lets YOU know what is going on, then THEY will know what is going on.
I am sure, when he gets done with this whole exercise he will send you some flowers and an apology for not getting it done in a way that is convenient for you.
Geez, we are just getting going people. If you are too emotionally fragile to handle what is happening right now, you are really gonna struggle with what is about to happen. No one owes you anything, and your emotional needs are not the factor that future actions are based on. If you want to wallow in misery and join the other side, rather than educating yourself and getting with the program, go ahead. No one is stopping you.


Veteran Member
I think we are all frustrated or anxious to see what’s going to happen next, but we’re nobody’s and TPTB are waging a dangerous war...they can’t let us know everything that’s going on...

Like Sun Tsu said, “all warfare is based on deception.”

Trump can’t take time to give you or me a daily briefing...

Id imagine Trump is going 100% all in...after all, you’re not in near the danger he and his family is in should this go against him.


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
Uh, Greenie>>>Greenspode>>you need to get off the HIGH horse you're on. YOu don't know me and you know NOTHING about me>>>so STUFF IT!!

I am NOT a Lilly ass. I have lived without hot water for over a year now and didn't have anything but rain water for a couple of months as of last year. I have holes in my floor and a roof leaking like a sieve because a BUTT HEAD screwed up my roof. I have a wall inside th house you can put your hand through. I just paid off in 4 months a camper worth about 10,000 dollars. So I can live in a decent place. I know more about survival and making things work that you could ever begin to know.

SO like I said >>>>>STUFF IT!!


Veteran Member
It's a sad state of affairs to realize that every election you voted in was wasted.
All the money wasted for what?

I am pissed because I think what America would be like if we had our true electors

I hear you, but we do have a representative government, right?

So roughly half of this country does have the America they want and the leaders they want...

How else would Pelosi, Schumer, and Obama be so popular?

No, a large part of this country is sick. Morally and spiritually.

We‘re in a existential war between two very different America’s...

One is depraved and the other not wholesome enough to rid itself of the infection it has.


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
"I hear you, but we do have a representative government, right?"

NO>>>as of now we do NOT!!

I'm somewhat sorry I went off on the new guy, but I am also home from work having a massive gall bladder attack and my fuse is a bit short at the moment.

Sorry Greenspode, but you are new here and I think you might try not telling others what to do or being such a sniper>>>

No, we don't have a representative government right now and we probably never will again. They absolutely stole the election and everyone>>>>including them knows it!!


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
"Yeah - what happened to 'God has this' 'Trump has this'?"

I never said that Lurker>>>>misquote somebody else.


Veteran Member
As we feel the stress, imagine what it must be like for him and his family. What he has tried to do for America has come with a huge price tag for him. Just for the record, I think that little DC dog whistle he put out to his supporters told him a lot of what he needed to know.

Keep the faith and know that wherever we are on this path is where we need to be.

Border Collie Dad

Flat Earther
You only have conviction during fair weather and clear skies, eh?

As someone posted above, we have 8 days.
I know God created the world in 7, I expect Trump may need a little more time.

Whether he tells us or not, things should start happening pretty soon.

If anything is going to happen.

I like my hopium as much as the next person but action talks and bullshit walks


Veteran Member
Uh, Greenie>>>Greenspode>>you need to get off the HIGH horse you're on. YOu don't know me and you know NOTHING about me>>>so STUFF IT!!

I am NOT a Lilly ass. I have lived without hot water for over a year now and didn't have anything but rain water for a couple of months as of last year. I have holes in my floor and a roof leaking like a sieve because a BUTT HEAD screwed up my roof. I have a wall inside th house you can put your hand through. I just paid off in 4 months a camper worth about 10,000 dollars. So I can live in a decent place. I know more about survival and making things work that you could ever begin to know.

SO like I said >>>>>STUFF IT!!
Well I have a completely physically disabled husband with PTSD, my one car is falling apart, my well has failed and I have to haul in all my water in my car that can't even go above 45 mph and will likely blow up any day now, half the electricity in my house doesn't work, I have a roof caving in and right now, am virtually unemployed with no money coming in due to covid. What's your point?
Listen, I understand that people are scared and confused, but the world is busy right now trying to take down an evil cabal that is stealing our lives away. No one is going to cater to our emotional needs at this time. We have to manage ourselves. Take a deep breath and hold on a little longer. It will get better, but it is going to get worse first. Prepare yourself for that and have some faith.


As someone posted above, we have 8 days.
I know God created the world in 7, I expect Trump may need a little more time.

Whether he tells us or not, things should start happening pretty soon.

If anything is going to happen.

I like my hopium as much as the next person but action talks and bullshit walks

Trump may or may not have this and as you said we will know in a few days. God always has this and if there was a better way to do things then he would do it that way.


Veteran Member
"I hear you, but we do have a representative government, right?"

NO>>>as of now we do NOT!!

I'm somewhat sorry I went off on the new guy, but I am also home from work having a massive gall bladder attack and my fuse is a bit short at the moment.

Sorry Greenspode, but you are new here and I think you might try not telling others what to do or being such a sniper>>>

No, we don't have a representative government right now and we probably never will again. They absolutely stole the election and everyone>>>>including them knows it!!
New here??? Lol. Now your just making stuff up.


Contributing Member
All the innuendos and game playing>>>either Trump has declared an IA declaration or he hasn't.

I am truly beginning to believe he is just letting everything go and doesn't plan to do anything>>>I do find that very hard to believe, but why in the heck won't he let us know what is going on??

And yes, I've read and re-read all the stuff in the Bomb Shelter>>>>there is nothing for sure. I'm tired and I don't have the energy or time to constantly monitor what the heck is going on<<<get it done or forget it and let us get on with trying to live under the hell we have winnowed!!

Trump doesn't have any plans because you've been suckered by a con man. He's a loser. He lost the election. It was NOT stolen. People voted him out. He tried to have a coup and that failed. He's not a patriot - he's a fascist.

Old Gringo

Senior Member
"I hear you, but we do have a representative government, right?"

NO>>>as of now we do NOT!!

I'm somewhat sorry I went off on the new guy, but I am also home from work having a massive gall bladder attack and my fuse is a bit short at the moment.

Sorry Greenspode, but you are new here and I think you might try not telling others what to do or being such a sniper>>>

No, we don't have a representative government right now and we probably never will again. They absolutely stole the election and everyone>>>>including them knows it!!

You have earned a right to use your short fuse. Light it and vent ! :soap:

Hopefully with all that is going on the state won't prohibit that right.


Only worry about what you can control!
I learned a long time ago to have two sets of working plans as a minimum. One for what I'd like to happen and another for what might actually happen. I have the plans figured out, and then I go live my life. It keeps me sane and grounded (most of the time).

You haven't seen a melt down yet. IF Trump does nothing and the inauguration of Biden goes off without any type of action on the part of Trump there are going to be a lot of people losing their minds, they don't have a plan B.

I'm not saying Trump is doing nothing, but there are a lot of people who have pinned all hope on him arresting Washington DC and continuing on as President. If it turns out he just fades out into the unknown, there will be a huge need for counselling.

Either way I'm prepped best that I can, I no longer trust the voting system in America, I'll probably never vote again or at least until they can prove the system is not rigged. I'll live my life, grow my gardens and implore that it is best to leave me alone while I live freely. Everything else is in the other plan, hopefully I'll never need to implement it.


Contributing Member
I've been reading this board and boards like this for the last 20 years. One thing in common I've seen over that 20 years is that hopes usually get dashed 99% of the time when it comes to huge events. The internet hypes things up so much that people get blinded by it. As much as that I hate to say it, Biden will be president on the 20th. We need to focus on the future. I know, blast me.. it's fine.


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
A woman has a right to vent as ioujc did, she needs a big hug. It’s been a crazy emotional ride.

We are near the end of this ride, the next one will be insane. Shore up, this is the end of the good old days.

Speaking of Ezekiel war, not Trump losing, the force is strong in him.


Veteran Member
Prayers for both ioujc and greenspode. I pray that your situations will improve, that you will feel the love and appreciation of those that share your frustrations and appreciate all that you have offered to us through this forum, and I pray that you will feel peace from a much higher source than any government can offer.


Veteran Member
That trolling stuff... is that like having an avatar of a coin with Hillary's face on one side and Trump's on the other?


Veteran Member
It's a very stressful time. I hope and I pray something good is going to come out of all this.

I was certainly NOT Trump's biggest fan at the beginning but what he has had to live through has been unimaginable. I admire the hell out of him now even if he wasn't able to accomplish everything we wanted him to.

Not much longer and we will know what is going to happen for better or worse.


Whats happening is that according to scripture God is pouring out Delusion upon the Godless that they would believe lies....

I believe that we are entering the biblical "Last Days - End Times"....and I simultaniously feel Fear and Excitement....Why? Because indeed GOD HAS THIS and that relatively soon Jesus is coming back.

All the more reason for believers to stay Prayed Up....I know for me, I'm praying more now than I ever have in my life. What is the TRUTH.....Its that Satan is stepping on the gas as he knows his time is short.

Let your fear angst and anger drive you to your knees and TRUST in Him Who SAVES US!!!

TRUMP is just a man not a super hero....

If you don't Know Jesus personally its YOUR JOB to do something about that.

Where will You spend Eternity?


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
Thank you all>>>I am better now.

Yes, I have my plans>>>>but then all this "Oorah!!" came along getting extra hopes up and the idea that maybe Trump did have it and was going to make things better and I began to have unrealistic hopes>>>> and then having them UP and DOWN for the past several days is grating on my nerves.

Sorry everybody>>>yes, I just kinda lost it there for a bit>>>and Ractivist is right>>>I DID need a hug>>>Thank you buddy>>>>You supplied it, just with your comment!!

OK, I have had my fit and I am better>>>on with the #1 plan>>>>I retire in TWENTY TWO working days!!!!! THANK YOU GOD!!

I have come to really HATE my job>>>>I will be glad when I don't have to do it anymore!! Well, actually, I will continue to work two days a week, but that will be MUCH better. Never have worked anywhere that expects you to see 10 psychiatric patients a day and remain sane!!

Well, gotta go let the chickens out>>>it was too cold earlier but they should be OK now>>>everything else is ready to swing into motion asap!!