TDS Trudeau Declines Trip to White House to Celebrate New Trade Agreement

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon

Trudeau Declines Trip to White House to Celebrate New Trade Agreement
Meaghan Ellis
2-3 minutes

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has declined an invitation to the White House to celebrate the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

In a statement released on Monday, spokesperson Chantal Gagnon cited a scheduling conflict as the reason for the decline.

“While there were recent discussions about the possible participation of Canada, the prime minister will be in Ottawa this week for scheduled Cabinet meetings and the long-planned sitting of Parliament,” Gagnon said.

Gagnon also commended the trade deal that went into effect on July 1 insisting it “is good for Canada, the United States, and Mexico. It will help ensure that North America emerges stronger from the COVID-19 pandemic.”

President Donald Trump is expected to meet with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to commemorate the USMCA.

Due to the coronavirus, Trudeau has been conducting all meetings via video conference since he and his wife both tested positive for the virus.

Patrick Doyle/Reuters
A Trump administration official confirmed to the Associated Press that Trudeau would not have been able to attend the start of Parliament due to current quarantine requirements.

Due to the pandemic, Canada now requires residents traveling abroad to quarantine for 14 days upon their return. If Trudeau were forced to quarantine, he would miss the start of Parliament.

Trudeau’s decline comes just days after he alluded to the possibility of skipping the meeting as he noted ongoing concerns about the pandemic and tariff threats from the United States.

During his press briefing on Friday, Trudeau discussed the upcoming meeting with Trump and Obrador.

“We’re still in discussions with the Americans about whether a trilateral summit next week makes sense,” Trudeau said.

“We’re obviously concerned about the proposed issue of tariffs on aluminum and steel that the Americans have floated recently,” Trudeau continued. “We’re also concerned about the health situation and the coronavirus reality that is still hitting all three of our countries.”


Neither here nor there.
That's fine if declines the invite... I don't want him in my country anyway. The fact is an invite was given, had an invite not been given the MSM would have had a fit over that and would have made up even more lies about Trump.


TB Fanatic
Gagnon also commended the trade deal that went into effect on July 1 insisting it “is good for Canada, the United States, and Mexico. It will help ensure that North America emerges stronger from the COVID-19 pandemic.

What does covid have to do with it?


Disaster Cat
One doesn't have "scheduling conflicts" when the WH calls you.
You might if you are another world leader - note I don't like the Macaron much but he (or his office) has a point, he can't afford to quarantine for 14 days when he gets back to Europe.

Also, there are countries WITHIN THE EU, that are still restricted, I know a lot of people here think the US has been singled out for "punishment" or something by the EU, but some of their own countries like Portugal are still under the "red" flag.

If I wanted to (I don't) but if I did, I can fly from Ireland to the UK and several other EU countries but others are still banned and/or under quarantine restrictions after a visit, including Portugal.
I think you all would be unpleasantly surprised at what this trade bill contains. Awhile ago, I read how it is WAY worse than NAFTA....kind of like on steroids......signed by Trump.

Maybe someone here can find what it contains......l cannot recall where I read about it, but it sickened me to think we would soon be tied to something so NOT in our national interest!

I may have read about it awhile ago in News With Views, not sure...will try to check.


Disaster Cat
Except, Canada is kinda in North America.
I am pretty sure that Canada has fairly low RO rates but I could be wrong I haven't checked it and as my Mexican friends say all the time: "We are also North Americans" and they are highly impacted by this or were last I checked (Mexico).

Illini Warrior

Illini Warrior
NOPE to all >>>> were are in the "election alley" - the Globalist leftists won't be seen with Trump much less be part of any sign of a victory >> Poland was into the WH the other week - it'll be similars til 2021 - even the countries we backed up during the Virus Crisis won't be visiting

Bubble Head

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Trudy and his wife are a positive test for C-19. According to guidelines they can’t enter the country anyway much less the Whitehouse. He is conducting his business on video conference so he Is either not very well or still considered contagious.
My memory served me correctly....the article WAS in News With Views, some time ago. You need to read it...Americans have NOT been told what we are being signed over to. This article is from last Dec., but the info is current....surprising that we have not read more about it, but maybe we weren't supposed to know.

USMCA “Trade Agreement”, the North American Union, an Article V convention, and Red Flag Laws: Connecting the Dots
By Publius Huldah|December 10th, 2019

Publius Huldah
The Globalists have long been in the process of setting up a dictatorial and totalitarian oligarchy over the United States. Now they are putting the last pieces in place. That is what is behind the pushes for the USMCA “Trade Agreement”, an Article V convention, and red-flag and other laws to disarm the American People. The Globalists want to move the United States into the North American Union.
USMCA “Trade Agreement”

The USMCA “Trade Agreement” is, in reality, a Transfer of Sovereignty Agreement. It provides for the economic and financial integration of Canada, the United States, and Mexico. In addition to putting the three countries under global regulation of a host of issues such as patents, environmental regulation, labor, immigration policy, prohibition of discriminatory practices respecting sexual preferences and “gender identity” in the workplaces;[1] it puts the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in control of our economy and binds us to submit to an international monetary system which is to be administered and enforced (at least initially) by the IMF and which will replace our collapsing Federal Reserve system.[2]
Every word, clause, sentence, paragraph, page, chapter, and appendix of the USMCA “Trade Agreement” is in blatant violation of our Declaration of Independence and Constitution.

North American Union
The North American Union brings about the political integration of Canada, the United States, and Mexico. The Task Force Report on Building a North American Community [link] sponsored by The Council on Foreign Relations provides for (among other horrors):
  • increasing the “cooperation and interoperability among and between the law enforcement agencies and militaries.” The Report thus indicates that the plan is to combine the functions of law enforcement and the militaries of the three countries, so as to create a militarized police force consisting of Canadians, Mexicans, and Americans (pages 10-12).[3]
  • a North American Advisory Council, with members appointed by Canada, the United States, and Mexico, to staggered multiyear terms to “provide a public voice for North America”; and a “North American Inter-Parliamentary Group” which will have bilateral meetings every other year; and a trinational interparliamentary group to meet in the alternating year (pages 31-32).
To merge the functions of our police and military and combine it with those of Canada and Mexico;[4] and to permit a Parliament to be set up over and above the United States, is altogether repugnant to our existing Constitution. But this is what the Globalists and the Political Elite of both parties want. Before they can impose it on us, they need to get a new Constitution for the United States.

An Article V Convention
And that’s the purpose of an Article V convention – to get a new constitution for this Country which legalizes the USMCA “Trade Agreement” and transforms the United States from a sovereign nation to a member state of the North American Union.
But Americans don’t want another constitution, and they don’t want to be moved into the North American Union.

So! Some of those pushing for an Article V convention, such as the “Convention of States Project” (COS) are marketing a convention to appeal to conservatives. COS and their allies such as Mark Levin claim to be for limited government and say they want a convention to get amendments to “limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government”. Sadly, those who don’t know that our Constitution already limits the power and jurisdiction of the federal government to a tiny handful of enumerated powers [they are listed on this one page Chart] fall for the marketing.[5]

But some of those pushing for an Article V convention, and certainly those financing the push for a convention,[6] actually do intend to “limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government”; and they intend to do it by transferring the powers our Constitution delegates to the federal government (plus the powers reserved to the States or the People) to the global government which they are setting up over us.[7]

This Flyer shows why Delegates to an Article V convention (called for the ostensible purpose of proposing amendments to our existing Constitution) have the right and power to ignore their instructions and impose a new Constitution which puts us under a completely new Form of government – such as the North American Union.

Red flag Laws & Gun Confiscation

When Americans finally see what has been done and how they have been deceived, they will be angry. That’s why they must be disarmed now. But all federal gun control laws for the Country at Large are unconstitutional as outside the scope of powers granted to Congress; as in violation of Article I, §8, clauses 15 & 16; and as in violation of the Second Amendment. And any pretended State law which contradicts its State Constitution or which interferes with Congress’ power (granted by Art. I, §8, cl. 16) to “organize, arm, and discipline, the Militia”, is also unconstitutional [link].
(Much more at the link.....MaJo

Red flag laws also violate the privileges and immunities clause of Article IV, §2; and the due process clauses of the 5th Amendment and §1 of the 14th Amendment. US Senator Marco Rubio’s (Fla.) malignant red flag law [link] appropriates a total of $100 Million to pay to States and Indian Tribes which pass the red flag legislation set forth in Rubio’s bill.

And Trump says respecting red flag laws, “Take the guns first, go through due process second.” [link].

Stop the Globalists: Oppose the USMCA “Trade Agreement” and an Article V Convention
While the Trump Administration hammers the Globalists’ nails into our coffin, his trusting supporters censor criticism of the USMCA “Trade Agreement” – even though the Agreement is so long and incorporates so many other Agreements it is unlikely that any of them (including Trump) have read it.

And demagogues in the pay of Globalists have convinced constitutionally illiterate Americans that the solution to all our problems is to get an Article V convention.
© 2019 Publius Huldah – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Publius Huldah:

Christian Gomez: USMCA and the Quest for a North American Union & What’s Really in the USMCA? Publius Huldah: The USMCA “Trade Agreement” violates our Constitution and sets up Global Government.

[2] Publius Huldah: So You Think Trump Wants To Get Rid Of The Fed?

[3] Meanwhile, the UN is building a global military & police force. See “United Nations Peacekeeping” [link] and think of the ramifications of such a militarized global police force. Who will be able to resist?

[4] Mexico’s culture is notoriously criminal. If we permit Globalists to get an Article V convention and a new Constitution which moves the United States into the North American Union, you can expect to see militarized Mexican police operating within our [former] Country. And soon, they will be wearing blue helmets.

[5] It is possible that Mark Levin and the hirelings promoting a convention (such as Mark Meckler, 6 Tom Coburn [link], and Jim DeMint [link]) don’t know what the actual agenda is. And it is almost certain that COS’s constitutionally illiterate celebrity endorsers and lemmings don’t know. People who don’t know that our Constitution already limits the federal government to a tiny handful of enumerated powers, and that our problems are caused by ignoring the Constitution we have, are easily deceived by the ridiculous claim that we must amend our Constitution to make the federal government obey it.

Our Framers always understood that the purpose of an Article V Convention is to get a new Constitution
[link]. This is why James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and four US Supreme Court Justices, among others, warned against it [link].

[6] It is the Globalists, primarily the Kochs and George Soros, who are funding the push for an Article V convention. See, e.g.,
  • Kochs Bankroll Move to Rewrite the Constitution [link].
  • George Soros assault on U.S. Constitution [link]
  • Mark Meckler is president of “Citizens for Self-Governance” which launched the “Convention of States Project”. This website discusses funding for Citizens for Self-Governance.
  • Koch brothers from Conservapedia [link]
[7] The transfer of power from our federal government to global government by means of the USMCA “Trade Agreement” is illustrated here


Neither here nor there.
My memory served me correctly....the article WAS in News With Views, some time ago. You need to read it...Americans have NOT been told what we are being signed over to. This article is from last Dec., but the info is current....surprising that we have not read more about it, but maybe we weren't supposed to know.

news with views? May as well be reading Mike Adams dreck over at Natural News.
Sorry you feel that way, but I happen to like and trust both sources, even tho the mainstream media tries to black list Mike Adams because they don't want people to know that natural products and methods can be much better, in many cases.

He is a very reputable scientist and researcher and my internet won't even allow me on his site, but fortunately, I have other ways to read it. I trust Mike Adams, who is genuine and sincere, which I can't say for rhe MSM.


Canadian Loonie