
Veteran Member
Oh, lawpoet, I needed that comic relief. I laughed for two minutes when I saw that "Black Militia" member use his rifle barrel to push up in the DIRT. Oh, my Army DI would have kicked my ass solid for that. The fool rendered his rifle useless by stuffing DIRT in the barrel.:lkick:
If this is their idea of what an armed militia is, how it is trained etc they will be massacred. Plus they are urban types, but I don't think they will do to good in urban fighting either. They expect the whites to cave in, like they have up to now. The idea they will have to fight never entered their reparation demanding heads. It is like the movie 13 hours. The first attack against the undefended villa is what our black militia expects and can deal with. The minute they go to the 2nd target, the CIA fortified site, against veterans
and the like, they won't have a chance. For one thing they have no discipline, and I really do wonder if they maintain their weapons at all. Again, barrel in the dirt, now THAT WAS F^":,;;,FUNNY.
Did anyone notice the drum mag? Looked like .22 rimfire.

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
Wiki on the first battle that y'all need to read up on. THIS battle was LOST TO the Zulus and was a disaster for the Raj (English). Isandlwana is the name. Here is the wiki on it. Do NOT stop there in your reading. Battle of Isandlwana - Wikipedia

Battle of Rorke's Drift is the second one to look into. Battle of Rorke's Drift - Wikipedia

Something to listen to as you look:
RT 3:29 minutes

'Twould serve the titsunes right if the first weapons they were greeted with FROM DEEP CONCEALMENT was potato cannons. Why dignify your opponent with a REAL battle when they aren't REAL opponents.

Of COURSE, the cannoneers should be armed and ready but don't dignify the kids with real weapons in attack the first time.

conf to dd, I actually DID that homework you left me a few yers ago. nyaaa.
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Ancient Fuzzball
'Twould serve the titsunes right if the first weapons they were greeted with FROM DEEP CONCEALMENT was potato cannons. Why dignify your opponent with a REAL battle when they aren't REAL opponents.

Of COURSE, the cannoneers should be armed and ready but don't dignify the kids with real weapons in attack the first time.

conf to dd, I actually DID that homework you left me a few yers ago. nyaaa.

Potato cannons with a 2 inch (or 2.5 inch), schedule 80 barrel will fling a golf ball (or at 2.25", a billiard ball) rather well...

And schedule 80 handles higher pressures.



Carrying the mantle of doubt
question is moot.
it has been overcome by events.

people have been convinced that they are "owed" and they are convinced that you are the one that owes
facts are not relevant
feelings are relevant
go ahead . . . try to fix that

think on this. they are protesting Trump, a Republican, by rioting in Democrat cities, tearing down Democrat statues.
feelings are relevant
Fixing it is what must be done, but it's going to take time ... just like it took time to steer the herd toward the cliff it now stands upon. Yes, feeling are relevant, but the those can be guided by the same force I alluded to. That's the real problem, and until we admit that and fix it, there will be no control.


Veteran Member
I'm assuming that the "white" people in their formation are Antifa "liaison" or "seconded" to make up numbers and for "interoperability".....I think that the guy in the video carrying two ARs is carrying one of them for the guy with the bullhorn.
No. He geared up with his two ar's, from his suv. Start to finish.

Their pregame talk was to expect a fight. Looked like live ammo, loaded weapons.

This is army building. Maybe flash army building.
Message sending. We are the serious ones.
Ready to fight.

He was working the non dressed up urban tough folks. They where following him around like puppies.
He'll need to keep discipline very tight. As they grow.

A bunch of tactical trainers joined up.

The guy's pregame speechs are all business.

His foundational message is off, to me. It is doing well among certain segiments .

Check the views. Lots of folks looking.

As for the chest thumping, here.
I saw enough folks for two short, light infantry companies, a weapons platoon, command section, reconnaissance section, and a MP section. With a mobile logistical tail. An active medical team, who where efficiently taking care of the exhausted.

And QRF(s?) hidden in the background. Likely hand picked.
With mobility for everyone.

There is money here.
People willing to march in the oven they call Georgia.
Effective organization.
A plan for growth.
And training.

Add to this the NFL is doing the black national anthem. Patriotism.

You are going to see more of this.
Someone is doing nation building.
This is part of a bigger plan.
And they are moving fast.


Veteran Member
I would say about 3 or 4 M134s would have the vast majority of those idiots laying in the road with massive trauma.
So how many miniguns does your group have? My 1st guess is zero. No one is going to loan you one.
It's fun to talk shit.

From the time I saw the 1st vid to now, their numbers have exploded. They will be in the low 10s of thousands. By Monday.

You might start hearing the Bna, on the radio.
You will hear it on the tv

This is nation building. Nations have armies.

This is growing. And not going away.

They will get miniguns, before you do.


Veteran Member
Just so we are clear. I don't give a crap about these folks being black. Or white, or purple.

Someone is trying to build a new nation.
Here. Now.

That someone can force a very big industry to play another nation's national anthem. In front of the American anthem.
And that someone just started building an army.

There are no concidents. only the illusion of confidents.

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
That one nigga was duel wielding AR15s. LOL! That's advanced shit. Ever think about just carrying more magazines?
Wiki on the first battle that y'all need to read up on. THIS battle was LOST TO the Zulus and was a disaster for the Raj (English). Isandlwana is the name. Here is the wiki on it. Do NOT stop there in your reading. Battle of Isandlwana - Wikipedia

Battle of Rorke's Drift is the second one to look into. Battle of Rorke's Drift - Wikipedia

Something to listen to as you look:
RT 3:29 minutes

'Twould serve the titsunes right if the first weapons they were greeted with FROM DEEP CONCEALMENT was potato cannons. Why dignify your opponent with a REAL battle when they aren't REAL opponents.

Of COURSE, the cannoneers should be armed and ready but don't dignify the kids with real weapons in attack the first time.

conf to dd, I actually DID that homework you left me a few yers ago. nyaaa.
Zulu is one of the movies you can download and watch here on timebomb. The British were racists and thought the ZULU nation were a bunch of ignorant savages
Comparing the highly disciplined, well led and trained ZULU nation warriors to the "black militia" clowns is insulting


Veteran Member
Zulu is one of the movies you can download and watch here on timebomb. The British were racists and thought the ZULU nation were a bunch of ignorant savages
Comparing the highly disciplined, well led and trained ZULU nation warriors to the "black militia" clowns is insulting
I love you brother but i don't agree.

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
Sigh! The idea you give a person a web belt, canteen, ammo pouches, a magazine or two, 300 rounds of ammo and a M-4 and you have a soldier is pathetic. Any "military unit" that has people sitting on the ground, using their rifle barrel to get up is hopeless. I am around these BLM and Antifa types daily.THEY HAVE NO DISCIPLINE, THEY COULD NOT ENDURE BASIC TRAINING AND THEY WILL FREAK OUT IF A DI STARTED SCREAMING AT THEM. THEY AIN'T SOLDIERS.
They have not faced real opposition, against real people, with real guns, and a real ideology, that is willing to stand up to them.


Veteran Member
Sigh! The idea you give a person a web belt, canteen, ammo pouches, a magazine or two, 300 rounds of ammo and a M-4 and you have a soldier is pathetic. Any "military unit" that has people sitting on the ground, using their rifle barrel to get up is hopeless. I am around these BLM and Antifa types daily.THEY HAVE NO DISCIPLINE, THEY COULD NOT ENDURE BASIC TRAINING AND THEY WILL FREAK OUT IF A DI STARTED SCREAMING AT THEM. THEY AIN'T SOLDIERS.
They have not faced real opposition, against real people, with real guns, and a real ideology, that is willing to stand up to them.
I agree with that 100%


Veteran Member
You can say that about most everything. You ever been in a Mexican prison? I have. Fighting is fighting. You have a gun or a sharp pointed stick. Your will to live makes the difference.
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Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
You can say that about most everything. You ever been in a Mexican prison?
You can say that about most everything. You ever been in a Mexican prison?
Nope. Again, comparing your average mexican criminal, especially a cartel one to this black militia is even more pathetic. I can just see this black militia having arguments about whether assigning guard duty is sexist, racist etc depending on who you assign it to. :popcorn1:
Seriously, the military functions in a fascist, male oriented, command mode and these people have NO experience with that at all. Revolutionary purity only gets you so far. They don't want to be trained and they will not tolerate being told what to do, and they will impale themselves on gender and identity politics, even on something as simple as guard duty.


On TB every waking moment
Just so we are clear. I don't give a crap about these folks being black. Or white, or purple.

Someone is trying to build a new nation.
Here. Now.

That someone can force a very big industry to play another nation's national anthem. In front of the American anthem.
And that someone just started building an army.

There are no concidents. only the illusion of confidents.

o b a m a


Veteran Member
No. He geared up with his two ar's, from his suv. Start to finish.

Their pregame talk was to expect a fight. Looked like live ammo, loaded weapons.

This is army building. Maybe flash army building.
Message sending. We are the serious ones.
Ready to fight.

He was working the non dressed up urban tough folks. They where following him around like puppies.
He'll need to keep discipline very tight. As they grow.

A bunch of tactical trainers joined up.

The guy's pregame speechs are all business.

His foundational message is off, to me. It is doing well among certain segiments .

Check the views. Lots of folks looking.

As for the chest thumping, here.
I saw enough folks for two short, light infantry companies, a weapons platoon, command section, reconnaissance section, and a MP section. With a mobile logistical tail. An active medical team, who where efficiently taking care of the exhausted.

And QRF(s?) hidden in the background. Likely hand picked.
With mobility for everyone.

There is money here.
People willing to march in the oven they call Georgia.
Effective organization.
A plan for growth.
And training.

Add to this the NFL is doing the black national anthem. Patriotism.

You are going to see more of this.
Someone is doing nation building.
This is part of a bigger plan.
And they are moving fast.
Yes they are


Veteran Member
Just so we are clear. I don't give a crap about these folks being black. Or white, or purple.

Someone is trying to build a new nation.
Here. Now.

That someone can force a very big industry to play another nation's national anthem. In front of the American anthem.
And that someone just started building an army.

There are no concidents. only the illusion of confidents.
From one of the videos, looks like this is their intended nation.



Veteran Member
since you turned BLACK . . . like I've said here before -they got here by tearing shit up and burning it down - our side sits on the side lines and lets it happen complexly unchallenged - this is what you get
What would you have our side do? Just curious?


Veteran Member
I think the banter going about concerning the lack of discipline and tactics of this group is missing the point. For those folks who either lived, fought or studied African warfare, understand the method used in most of those conflicts is chaos and brutality. These folks are well capable of that task.

These people are broadcasting race war, while many white folks might talk about it anonymously or in private, they don't march by the 100's and threaten it.

Now this looks more like the 2nd KKK with their large public showings.
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night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
Yes, SOMEONE has dumptrucks full of money. And is distributing it fairly freely. And yes, they ARE working at building a 'Nation' out of the southern corner of ours.

August 1 is farther and farther away as these little things come to light where we can see them.

I figured Stone Mountain was secure through the summer.
I no longer give us the whole month of July before we have to go kinetic.
It's going to be bloody and a LOT of folks will find themselves in a place they never expected to be.
They never expected to see their experiences of the last 5-8 years being used just down the street from their homes.
They NEVER EVER expected to have to teach their neighbors or family the skills they learned and then taught in Dirka Dirka Stan.

COME, LORD! And stand with those of us who stand to protect your children against the demons.


Living On A Prayer
From one of the videos, looks like this is their intended nation.

View attachment 207133

Nubians are goats.

Silly little game they're playing here.

Real life isn't hood life, nor is it a video game.

Check out the toys in at least hundreds maybe thousands of barns, basements, closets, 'deer camps' and pickup cabs in a 50 mile radius of my AO, and the little soldiers might realize this isn't Chicongo or NYC or Seattle, and these good ol boys won't evacuate their precincts and run away. I expect it's this way all over The USA.

Many many are trained. From The Sandboxes back to Vietnam and everything in between.
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Veteran Member
If they go live,We and Trump will crush them. Make no mistake the Insurrection act will be declared . And add to that his "permission" given the other night. And his presidential decree for every American to legally protect themselves.
He has the contingency covered and knew it was coming.


TB Fanatic
This is not a joke. Yesterday, the trends were Malia Obama's birthday on July 4. All worshipfully calling her "Queen" and saying July 4th is Malia Obama Day, and not Independence Day. They're all still living in the Bams era. Seriously.

If she’s the daughter that is always the one getting into trouble.... I have a suspicious feeling she’s right in the thick of things behind the scenes, instigating, planning, and possibly financing the thugs.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Just so we are clear. I don't give a crap about these folks being black. Or white, or purple.

Someone is trying to build a new nation.
Here. Now.

That someone can force a very big industry to play another nation's national anthem. In front of the American anthem.
And that someone just started building an army.

There are no concidents. only the illusion of confidents.


Veteran Member

Predominantly Black armed protesters march through Confederate memorial park in Georgia

(Reuters) - A predominantly Black group of heavily armed protesters marched through Stone Mountain Park near Atlanta on Saturday, calling for removal of the giant Confederate rock carving at the site that civil rights activists consider a monument to racism.

Video footage of the Independence Day rally posted on social media showed scores of demonstrators dressed in black - many in paramilitary-style clothing and all wearing face scarves - quietly parading several abreast down a sidewalk at the park.

The protesters all carried rifles, including military-type weapons, and some wore ammunition belts slung over their shoulders. Although African Americans appeared to account for the bulk of the marchers, protesters of various races, men and women alike, were among the group.

One video clip showed a leader of the demonstrators, who was not identified, shouting into a loudspeaker in a challenge to white supremacists who historically have used Stone Mountain as a rallying spot of their own.

“I don’t see no white militia,” he declared. “We’re here. Where ... you at? We’re in your house. Let’s go.”

John Bankhead, a spokesman for the Stone Mountain Memorial Association, said the protesters were peaceful and orderly.

“It’s a public park, a state park. We have these protests on both sides of the issue from time to time. We respect people’s First Amendment right,” Bankhead told NBC affiliate station WXIA-TV.

“We understand the sensitivities of the issue here at the park ... so we respect that and allow them to come in as long as it’s peaceful, which it has been.”

Stone Mountain, which reopened for the holiday weekend following a weeks-long closure over the coronavirus, has faced renewed calls for its removal since the May 25 death of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, at the hands of Minneapolis police.

Floyd’s killing helped revive a long-simmering conflict between groups seeking to do away with Confederate statues and sculptures, which they see as pro-slavery symbols, and those who believe they honor the traditions and history of the Deep South.

Nine stories high and spanning the length of a football field, the bas-relief Stone Mountain sculpture carved into a granite wall overlooking the Georgia countryside some 25 miles (40 km) east of Atlanta remains the largest such monument to America’s Civil War Confederacy.

It features the likenesses of Jefferson Davis, who was president of the 11-state Confederacy, and two of his legendary generals, Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson.

Reporting by Steve Gorman in Eureka, California; Editing by Clarence Fernandez

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
"Just War Theory" has some thresholds.

This little gathering, the attacks on Churches, and cities all come very close to those thresholds. Lose a couple hundred to an attack from this rising Order and we will have satisfied those thresholds, in SPADES!

Feel free to laugh at the "rabble" but they look like they might actually be trigger-pullers.
And THAT is all they need for shock troops to initiate their war start-up.
They have been promised White Wimmin and White Boys as slaves. As sex slaves, as body servants and we are going to have to stop it.

WE may have to shoot first and pack more than a lunch and a bale of body bags.

Steel your hearts.

That day we all have actually PRAYED to be delivered if is coming, and, you can see it right there on the horizon. The NEAR horizon.

Bobfall2005 thank you for crystalizing the situation with your analysis!

May we ALL see each other on the other side -=--=-of next weekend!


Veteran Member
Stone mountain has never reg. with me. Before this.
Have no plans of ever going there.
It looks huge.
To these folks, it must be like going to a haunted house. It's freaked them out since they heard the first story about it.
They have faced their fears.
Excellent propaganda. Even better recruitment commercials.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
That was probably the best armed turn out I have seen recently.... look mostly like EBR’s
Eyes open.... No fear
Thanks Ben....

An armed society is a polite society.

Now if we can just get the democraps and their lapdog media to stop pushing the 'lets you and him' fight meme all of us can get back to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.