POL More blacks supporting Trump


Designated Grumpy Old Fart
Yeah....only took them sixty years to figure out the "Great Society" deals and all were a major screw job!
Lyndon Baines Johnson 1963... "These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference... I'll have them ******s voting Democratic for the next two hundred years".


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Had a black contractor poke his head into my office on Friday. He knows that I am a J-6 guy, and previously did not approve. He said "looks like your guy is going to win" I looked at him, somewhat confused. He said, "You know, Trump!" I said to him, "so that means you are voting for him?" He replied, "you're F-in right I am!!!"
"And so is everyone I know!"

So, yes it looks like they are coming around.


Neither here nor there.
Had a black contractor poke his head into my office on Friday. He knows that I am a J-6 guy, and previously did not approve. He said "looks like your guy is going to win" I looked at him, somewhat confused. He said, "You know, Trump!" I said to him, "so that means you are voting for him?" He replied, "you're F-in right I am!!!"
"And so is everyone I know!"

So, yes it looks like they are coming around.

which means the communists will really double down with dominion to ensure he doesn't win.


Don't screw with an engineer
This assumes theu get away scot free with the cheat. They will not this time. This time theybtry stiff and there will be blood
They will hide their actions this time, just like they did last time, and they'll get away with it. Again. Remember, they don't allow "watchers".
And just like when Ruby Freeman passed the thumb drive to her daughter, who not-so-stealthily dropped in in the dude's pocket, the cameras won't show anything that will be accepted as proof. Not even when you can hear her say "we'll probably get caught."


Don't screw with an engineer
FJB fades to black
I don't think all blacks are there yet... But the fact that they are beginning to think and question is a good thing. For many of them, things have been given to them but they never realized it. For them to wake up and start fighting for our way of life is encouraging. They have skin in the game.
Best of all, the average black is beginning to see the Democrat plantation and will now have a lot more respect for the highly-intelligent black folks, instead of calling them Uncle Tom's.

This doesn't mean that the bottom rung, chimpout types will ever get a clue, however.


The Great Cat
I want to believe this.

I've seen so many hustling mofos here in Atlanta that I can see this as paid opposition. The back-door funding to make these videos and interviews is enormous.

Again, I WANT to believe this movement is true! Unfortunately I'm going to have to stick this gum in my hair and think about it a bit.


Country exile in the city
The bottom rung make up 85% of all blacks. Most of them are one step above cannibalism.
AND have MOST of the black BABIES---after all, the more you have, the more moolah the gubermint gives you.

I am not in favor of abortion, but my mother's (she was born in 1914, to give you some context) talk about how sterilization used to be proposed for some people--which I thought horrible at the time she told me about this (I was a teenager) is beginning to sound more and more sensible.

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
AND have MOST of the black BABIES---after all, the more you have, the more moolah the gubermint gives you.

I am not in favor of abortion, but my mother's (she was born in 1914, to give you some context) talk about how sterilization used to be proposed for some people--which I thought horrible at the time she told me about this (I was a teenager) is beginning to sound more and more sensible.
The more I see things the more I start to understand why the third Reich was accepted as it was in Weimer Germany... And it disturbs me on the fact that we are repeating history.


Veteran Member
We need Diamond and Silk.

Lucretia Hughes..She is even better.
She is hilarious and very real..no filter AT ALL..
She does her shows from what looks like a room in her home.

I recommend her, highly...BUT..She can get very salty with her delivery..so..not so much for children within ear/eye shot!

I was ROTFLMAO ..just now, watching her. She is awesome.
I watched her on Rumble.
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